Thursday, October 31, 2019
Cultural Event Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28
Cultural Event Report - Essay Example Buell theatre was full of all sorts of personality where in attendance including Senator Nancy Todd hence government was fully represented. The Shen Yun festival was all about Chinese culture and music. The set up was amazing it was like being on avatar movie (Fritsch 17). The Shun Yun performances are arts and entertainment based on the 5000 years of Chinese culture it’s a series of events including music and dances about China and the impact and its revolution. The dances express history and past ways of life .the revolution also is expressed. The orchestra is conducted by Antonia Joy-Wilson. While the dances vary from classical dances to story based. Animations are also included in portraying the full message of Chinese culture. Performances began at 8:00 am. First to perform were a group of Chinese ladies approximately sixty dancers. They performed a classical dance, there costumes were superb silk clothing and ribbons with bright colors there dresses where red white and green. The dance involved turns, leaping air flips spins and side ways movements in a well choreographed pattern. What followed was a group of other female dancers with white attires and pink ribbons was like the first dance involved less dancers but very colorful. The third dance was story based performed by male dancers , it portrayed one general who was heading to war while a woman probably his wife or mother holding his right hand while fighting with his left hand. All dancers were dress in brown attire except the woman who is in red one (Fritsch 109). Most are dressed like accident combat men. Then it followed a performance of ancient drums. The artists where dressed in orange tops, black boots and white trousers, the performed differ ent arts. Each rhythm came about with changes in the background representing the Chinese landscapes, buildings and different cultures. It showed the transformation of china over the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Tissue engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tissue engineering - Essay Example ed to traditional methods as it solves twin problems of donor scarcity and the risks of tissue transplant rejection including transmission of diseases (Gomes & Reis, 2004, p. 738). Tissue engineering is a relatively new field of research and there is a paucity of certain academic scientific materials and research studies. It is expected this new field will have a big impact on the provision of health care in the coming years when more complex bio-materials are needed for functional tissues like bones, cartilage or large bone segments (ibid.) and even complex organs. Stem cell research has been very useful so far but there are so many ethical and other moral issues involved which has stymied large-scale efforts in this direction. Tissue engineering has no such ethical considerations as it does not involve embryonic stem cells. This new process holds much promise from the medical and economic standpoints as it skirts moral issues while potentially offering much lower costs to the patients. As example, the world market for bone grafts shows 50% are from autologous grafts while only 10% are from synthetic bio-materials thereby indicating substantial room for growth in terms of unmet market need. This entirely different approach intends to help diseased, defective or lost tissues to regenerate themselves or develop biologically-acceptable substitutes using homogeneous or heterogeneous cells. The new technique is alternatively called as regenerative medicine or as re-constructive medicine using either autogeneic cells or foreign cells. In the course of conducting research, medical scientists accidentally found out statins are very helpful in the formation of bone tissues. This coincidental or accidental discovery is very much reminiscent of the way Viagra (sildenafil citrate) was discovered to be helpful in curing ED while in the course of conducting research for finding a cure of many heart-related ailments like pulmonary arterial hypertension, angina pectoris and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Reasons And Solutions Of Developing Gap
The Reasons And Solutions Of Developing Gap Now with the open world market, many people increase confidence that the developing gap between developing and developed countries. However the opposite reality shows that after World War Two, this developing gap has been increasingly widened. According to a British expert, if developing countries income remains at the level of 5% of developed countries, then the absolute gap in income needs 40 years to be eliminated. (Robert Hunter Wade, 2004) So what are the reasons for the widening developing gap? Developed countries selfishly believe that developing countries should be responsible for such consequence by themselves, and they also find many evidences to blame developing countries, but of course they are just tricks rather than truths. This paper will analyze these tricks one by one and then find real reasons for the developing gap. The first one is about international trade. China is often blamed as using productions with the lowest costs and prices to trade in international market. Yes China does, and many developing countries also do as China does, but before we blame them without consideration, we should think about the reason why most developing countries go such a way, or say whether there is a rule inside the phenomena. Theories from Macroeconomy prove that economy development needs to take comparative advantages. So to developing countries, low-cost industries, such as manufactory, should be developed at first. Actually those successful countries or areas which got high speed of increase in economy, such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, were all developing manufactory at first. But why developing countries cannot get such success at current time? The reason is simple: rules are more controlled by developed countries. The most obvious trap is the increasing pricing gap between low and hi gh levels of products. Among so many victims of the pricing gap, India is a typical one. From 1960s to 1990s, main types of export goods of India were handwork production, clothing, simple machinery, leather, cotton yarn, tea-leaf, while the main types of import goods were petrochemicals and high-technological machinery. (Global Forum Official Website, 2005) Thus India suffered adverse balance trade deficit for 30 years, and even now India still doesnt have a full industrial system. China also has suffered the negative influence from the developing method of exporting simple productions although rarely has suffered adverse balance trade deficit. So we can see that actually developing countries are victims of this bad globe economic institution made by developed countries. However now developed countries blame the victims first and they believe that developing countries deserve to suffer poverty because they use this method to develop their international trade. What a ridiculous char ge! The second reason of the developing gap, of course is come from developed countries, is about the global warming. With the growth of this issue, who should be responsible for this issue also becomes an issue. Depending on their perfect relation or say international influence ability and rich sources on medias, developed countries owe the cause of global issue to developing countries, especially China and India, and believe that the environmental problems influencing development in developing countries should be responded by developing countries themselves. First some western experts write some articles to blame developing countries. In the article titled Population Growth and Global Warming, the author John Bongaarts gave such a theory to owe this to developing countries: because of the increase in population size and income per capita in developing countries, their energy consumption would exceed developed countries, and they would also increase the deforestation, which would be the new main reason of global warming. At the end of this article, the author owed responsibility to those MDCs, of course implying China and India. So what about the truth? According to report from World Bank, the carbon emission per person of China was 4.1 ton in 2009, which is one-fifth of U.S, and one-half on Britains (Economy Reference, 2009). Western experts blame that its no use to compare by the standard of carbon emission per person because Chinas total emission is the highest in the world, but actually they are tricking people again. Economy serves for everyone, and development includes the improvement of peoples lives, so carbon emission per person matters not only the total emission but also the healthy development, especially peoples lives. Now even peoples daily energy consumption in developed countries is much higher than in developing countries, even drying cloths needs machine, no need to say energy consumption for industries. So following developed countries suggestio n, the most of world population needs to bear low life level to let very few people in developed countries to enjoy the high energy consumption, in the long run. How virulent goal developed countries want to achieve can be seen. Developed countries also owe developing gap to the problems inside developing countries inside management, such as corruption and low efficiency. Yes, such problems do matters the developing gap the most. But developed countries play the same trick, called a thief calls Stop thief' in China, again at this point: even these actually should be responded by developed countries. According to experts Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinsons research, three truths responsible for the gap between former colonies and colonizers, and even different colonies, should be noticed: first, there are different types of institutions for different colonies, one is called Neo-Europes, which means the settlers tried to replicate European institutions on there, and the most successful former colony, United Stated appeared, now this former biggest benefited becomes the biggest ruler of the world, and another type of colony institution is called extractives states, of which main purpose was ju st to transfer as much of the resources of the colony to the colonizer, and thus colonies under this institution were of course victims, and those LDCs in current time all suffered such a institution before; second, the reason for such difference between colonies is that some colonies were comfortable for settlers to stay, such as U.S., and some were not, such as those LDCs; third, the colonial state and institutions persisted even after independence, so managing problems in some former colonies are still with the current LDCs now. (Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson, 2001) So how cheeky it is that some people say that developing countries should be responsible for their poverty by themselves because of their own inside problems. One thing need to be noticed is that while there are some justice experts in developed countries now are discovering these cruel truths, some Chinese now are helping developed countries to spread their ridicules explains about such problems. China also suffered invasion from outside and the negative influences from such invasion, so Chinese can never accept being cheated again by this kind of explains. If such dangerous trend develops, China will really pay new prices because this real inside problem, so just blaming developed countries becomes not useless, and the first solution is to eliminate such betrayers. Then we should summarize more experience about global competition, for example how to negotiate about prices of minerals. But we believe that things will turn to be better in the future.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Celies Transformation in Alice Walkers Color Purple Essay -- Color P
Celie's Transformation in The Color Purple     Celie is not a typical protagonist. In Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the main character Celie is an ugly, poor girl who is severely lacking in self-confidence. However, Celie transforms throughout the course of the novel and manages to realize herself as a colorful, beautiful, and proud human being. Celie becomes a powerful individual.  The Color Purple follows Celie's transformation from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. What is remarkable is the fact that this transformation does not merely compose the plot of the novel, it also dominates the layout of the pages. The book's chapters are not written in a typical fashion as each chapter is a letter written from Celie to God, Celie to her sister Nettie, or Nellie to Celie. Alice Walker utilized this method of storytelling to give the reader a very personal glimpse into Celie's mind and soul. The writer gets a feel for Celie through her writing style- she uses specific phrasing to express herself and, over time, her mechanical writing skills improve greatly. We see Celie's thought process as she makes decisions and then writes about them. This powerful narration is the main driving force behind the words.    If we analyse the story instead of the narrative perspective can we see that the main reason of Celie's insecurity is caused by the way she is treated by men. She is sexually abus... ...kling transforms into a beautiful swan.  Works Cited and Consulted:  Klosowski, John E. "The Color Purple and Its True Color." Houston Cronicle. December 14, 1995 : 42-44.  Smith, Pamela A. "Green Lap, Brown Embrace, Blue Body: The Ecospirituality of Alice Walker." April Cross Currents 2000 (1999): 18 p. Online. Internet. 30 Nov. 2001.   Available:  Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. Washington. Pocket Books/Washington Square Press (1985). Winchell, Donna Haisty. Alice Walker. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. Notes: 1 Walker, Alice, The Color Purple (1982), p. 11 2 ibid, p. 38 3 ibid, p. 76 4 Walker (1982), p. 82
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Safeguarding: Childhood and Young People
Portfolio Evidence 10 Safeguarding Describe how legislation, policies and procedures regarding safeguarding impact on own role in the workplace As a youth worker I have the obligation in my role to know policies and procedures that are in place for safeguarding. Taking into consideration the five outcomes identified by Every Child Matters 1. Protection from harm and neglect (to stay safe) 2. Physical and mental health and emotional well-being (to be healthy) 3.Education training and recreation (to enjoy and achieve) 4. Social and economic well being (to achieve economic well being) 5. The contribution made by them to society (to make a positive contribution) It is vital that every person who works with children and young people should be able to recognise and know how to respond should they be concerned or be aware that a child is, or may be, at risk of significant harm. The policy highlights key issues and recommends actions when dealing with an allegation.These key issues include r ecruitment policies for those working with children and young people, their induction and training, how to respond to disclosures, how to make a referral, suspicions or allegations of abuse. These policies and procedures are there to protect me and colleague’s as well young people. Describe the issues which may arise in implementing safeguarding procedures * I could have a too good relationship or not have a good relationship with the young person. * I might not have enough knowledge about the situation * People being reported are close to me. Safeguarding: Childhood and Young People Portfolio Evidence 10 Safeguarding Describe how legislation, policies and procedures regarding safeguarding impact on own role in the workplace As a youth worker I have the obligation in my role to know policies and procedures that are in place for safeguarding. Taking into consideration the five outcomes identified by Every Child Matters 1. Protection from harm and neglect (to stay safe) 2. Physical and mental health and emotional well-being (to be healthy) 3.Education training and recreation (to enjoy and achieve) 4. Social and economic well being (to achieve economic well being) 5. The contribution made by them to society (to make a positive contribution) It is vital that every person who works with children and young people should be able to recognise and know how to respond should they be concerned or be aware that a child is, or may be, at risk of significant harm. The policy highlights key issues and recommends actions when dealing with an allegation.These key issues include r ecruitment policies for those working with children and young people, their induction and training, how to respond to disclosures, how to make a referral, suspicions or allegations of abuse. These policies and procedures are there to protect me and colleague’s as well young people. Describe the issues which may arise in implementing safeguarding procedures * I could have a too good relationship or not have a good relationship with the young person. * I might not have enough knowledge about the situation * People being reported are close to me.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Successful Athlete Essay
Vince Lombardi says â€Å"the monetary value of success is difficult work. dedication to the occupation at manus and the finding that whether we win or lost we have applied the best of ourselves to the undertaking at manus. †A dedicated jock puts forth their all by to the full giving themselves to their athletics. They ever try to give one hundred and ten per centum before during and after pattern. Athlete achieves their success cognizing they worked difficult to achieve it and can truly state they accomplished something that makes them a better individual. For case hoops esthesis LeBron James keeps endeavoring to better. Branded the following Michael Jordan when he was in high school and drafted by the Cleveland chevaliers LeBron James kept his cool and kept working hard. He emerged an all-star and leader the chevaliers to the NBA playoffs three old ages in a row and made it to the NBA finals in 2007 against the San Antonio goad. However the chevaliers lost their title comma nd in four back-to-back games. James continued to assist the chevaliers improve in 2008 the squad made it to the semifinals where they defeated by the Boston Celtics in seven games. Fighting for an NBA title. shortly after going a free agent. nevertheless James announced that he would be fall ining the Miami heat. Many of his fans consider hid going a treachery to his hometown. James finishes 2nd in the conference during his first season with the heat. The 2011-2012 seasons besides saw major success for James and the Miami heat. Wining his first NBA title get the better ofing the Oklahoma City boom. Throughout his NBA calling. LeBron James has been considered one of the best participant in the conference. and has been compared to basketball great Michael Jordan.
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