Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Never Before Told Stories on Global Economy Essay Topics That You Must Read

Never Before Told Stories on Global Economy Essay Topics That You Must Read High schools in america are far better than you believe. The world wide web has also helped in a huge way, making people aware that such worldwide buying and selling is feasible relatively effortless. This means that the business can access the resources it requires from any portion of the globe where the costs are lower at any time no matter its time zone. Multinational corporations are businesses which have businesses, staff, and premises in a lot of countries. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Global Economy Essay Topics To enhance wellness one ought to comprehend what the roots of the issue are and how to prevent it. Globally, among the primary causes of ill health is malnutrition. The second pattern needs to be chosen for the cases when one cause leads to various results. As a consequence of malnutrition, individuals are more prone to infectious and chronic diseases. Part of the rise of industrialization was caused by globalization. Or the discussion might concentrate on one specific group (like millennials) and the way in which they affect the economy. To begin with, the most primary chance of globalization is liberalized market and the attendant results on the international economy. Market trends like outsourcing have made a time zone that universal. What is Truly Happening with Global Economy Essay Topics The environmental field is full of various facets and consequently intriguing cause and effect essay topics. To complete decent discussion essay one ought to collect maximum of information regarding the subject issue. Don't forget that studying isn't always a significant matter and in addition, there are fun cause and effect essay topics it's possible to refer to. Don't forget you should not merely pick the appropriate topic but stick to the proper structure of the paper to make a high grading cause and effect work. People holding a coupl e of jobs constitute 6. What I mean by this is having the ability to use technology, apply real life abilities and think independently. A number of the imports aren't available within their borders. Measures should be placed to make sure that trade agreements do not favor no more than the wealthy in developing countries. This usually means a worldwide networked economy. The worldwide economy is the system relevant to the production, distribution and consumption of products and services around the world. Gas prices are an exemplary case of supply and demand. These are merely a few of hundreds of intriguing current topics that may be used for your research paper. Making a list of the benefits and disadvantages is the ideal beginning to writing an advantages and disadvantages essay about inflation. Just join and receive your own customized paper! The Global Economy Essay Topics Stories Selecting the right topic to reveal in your work will be easier than you might imagine, y ou might just opt to manage the aspects you're familiar already, but still need to find out more about from an academic viewpoint. In any case, it's crucial to make your bit of writing interesting, though it can be extremely challenging because a lot of the info is factual and too many facts are boring for readers. Social issues concern almost every facet of the social order, and so, in the event you've been assigned an essay inside this field, you're in fact given the possiblity to pick from countless topics involving social facets. If you're looking to produce the great essay on microeconomics topics by yourself, the very first place you should search is the internet. During the previous sixty decades, global justice and human rights have gotten major preoccupations of the worldwide world. Many changes have occurred in social life nowadays. Because the international society is becoming increasingly more integrated, it's no longer sufficient to honor copyright in a nation-st ate. As most of the developed nations wish to make the most of the more compact ones, so there ought to be international laws to safeguard them.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Culture Of Popular Culture Essay - 1920 Words

Popular culture is a term that holds various meanings depending on where it s being defined and the context of its use. It is usually recognized as the language or people’s culture that prevails in a society at a point in time. As social researcher Brummett explains in his book â€Å"Rhetorical Dimensions of Popular Culture†, pop culture reflects the characteristics of social life, where the publicly are most actively involved. Popular culture is known as the ‘culture of the people’. This culture is determined by the interactions between people within their daily activities, for instance, dressing styles, use of language, greeting rituals and the ways that people behave in public, etc. are all examples of popular culture. Popular culture is also diverted by the mass media (Abbott and Sapsford, 1987). Popular culture is generally believed to be comprised of a variety of elements. For example, popular culture covers the most contemporary and instant aspects of our lives. These aspects can often show the characteristics of rapid change, especially in today’s highly technological and informative world in which, people are highly influenced by the universal media. Certain standards of behaviour and common beliefs are reflected in pop culture. Because of its cohesion, pop culture both influences and reflects people’s daily life. Moreover, brands can reach iconic pop status. However, these aspects are not constant and may change rapidly. (Abbott and Sapsford, 1987). With these vitalShow MoreRelatedThe Culture Of Popular Culture860 Words   |  4 PagesStudying popular culture reveals the culture of society at the time. Further, popular culture reveals the underlying belief, power structures, and philosophical and moral frame of the society that produces those cultural products. Studying popular culture gives us an accessible vehicle through which to explore philosophical and moral questions, as well as the functioning of society on a smaller scale (fan based, consumption), through which we can make larger assumptions. Studies of popular cultureRead MorePopular Culture1137 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is popular (low) culture? Popular culture is a symbolic expression allegedly aligned with the questionable tastes of the masses, who enjoy commercial junk circulated by the mass media, such as soap operas, rock music, talk radio, comic books, and monster truck pulls (Campbell, 18). When looking at the high-low hierarchy it often determines the way people view culture as a whole today, saying high culture is good taste and low culture is questionable taste. Many audiences take for grantedRead MorePopular Culture High Culture818 Words   |  4 PagesPopular Culture High Culture Popular culture is the culture that prevails in a modern society, adopted and appealing to large masses of people, normally the middle class citizens. Culture consists of the customs and civilizations of a particular group. Popular culture means that arte facts and styles of human expression develop from the creativity of ordinary people, and circulate among people according to their interests, preferences, and tastes. Popular culture is an ever-changing phenomenonRead MoreFolk Culture And Popular Culture1499 Words   |  6 Pagesare just a few different rituals and cultures that exist all around our world. They might not be what we call â€Å"normal,† but to those who are practicing them, they are part of their popular or folk culture, and for them, are completely normal. Perspective is everything. The main difference between folk and popular culture is the impact it has on society. Folk culture is usually practiced within a small group of people or city. On the other hand, popular culture is seen in a large group or countryRead MoreSoccer, A Popular Culture : Soccer As A Popular Culture1024 Words   |  5 PagesSoccer as a Popular Culture The soccer history dates back to more than thousands of years ago to the ancient China. Later, countries such as Greece, Central America as well as Rome have claimed to have been the origin of soccer. However, England is the country that have developed soccer to what we know today as football. Britain was the first country to develop the initial rules on uniform for soccer as well as stopping players from tripping their opponents and using their hands to touch the ballRead MorePopular Culture And Popular Music2034 Words   |  9 Pages‘Popular music has been called the soundtracks to our lives: we can hear it on the radio, through our computers, on our iPods or mobile phone, via a CD player or vinyl record deck, piped into shops, and during television adverts and programmes’ (Wall, 2013), music is all around it which makes it such a massive part of popular culture. This essay will explore the study of Popular Culture, in relation to popular music, how it’s chang ed and why it is so important. It plays a crucial role as it is aRead MoreThe Popular Culture And The Vision Of Pop Culture852 Words   |  4 Pagesnumerous beautiful cultures in this world we all follow, one of them is called Pop Culture. It’s defined as events where a lot of people is affected and attracted by the mass media. It’s like a cultural artifact that’s created by humans for information. This phenomenon began around World War 2 times when innovations in mass media led to significant cultural and social changes. It began to merge with the dealings of mass culture, consumer culture, image culture, media culture and culture in general forRead MoreConsequences of Popular Culture1060 Words   |  5 PagesConsequences of Popular Culture A Consequence can be defined as, Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition. In this matter we are referring to the consequences of Pop Culture towards violence. Violence in general has one meaning, an act of aggression. We will be examining three types of violence in our culture, Domestic violence, Youth violence, and of course Gun violence. We feel that all three of these types of violence have increased in today s society asRead MorePopular Culture is Not the Devil1056 Words   |  5 PagesPopular Culture Is Not The Devil Many people can agree that popular culture is invasive, but the opinions differ on how invasive it actually is and whether it is harmful or beneficial. In David Denby’s Buried Alive: Our Children and the Avalanche of Crud, he clearly states his opinion of popular culture and how it has invaded his home and the attitude of his children. The main source of popular culture according to Denby is the media, which has become â€Å"three-dimensional, inescapable, omnivorousRead MoreThe Popularity Of Popular Culture1369 Words   |  6 PagesNoorzaye September 21, 2014 Ms. Brown American popular culture Popular culture is made by the mainstream to influencing minds to like something. It describes the life style and tastes of the majority of mostly younger people. Some random popular culture these past few years would be; The Hunger Games, dubstep, raving, Illuminati theories, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Gucci, Polo, and these are just a few things from popular culture these past years. Popular culture affected me in many ways. I would say comic

Monday, December 9, 2019

At the time in which Shakespeare lived Essay Example For Students

At the time in which Shakespeare lived Essay On 16 April 1564, the time Elizabeth I was Queen of England. William Shakespeare was christened in the prosperous market-town of Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. His father was a tradesman who in the same town not only sold gloves but made them too. He was educated in the grammar school also in this town. It is known that he did not go to university when he left school. It is not known what Shakespeare did but many people think Shakespeare worked in his fathers business after he left school. He married Anne Hathaway at the age of 18. In 1583 she became the mother of his daughter, Susanna, and of twins in 1885. At the time in which Shakespeare lived many people married at a young age. This may seem a little strange to many people nowadays. But the life expectancy was very low compared to how it is today. This was because not much was known about the causes of death and how the body works. In that time they did not have much technology. They did not even know about hygiene. William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet between 1596 and 1598. It is one of the worlds most famous love stories. It is staged frequently and has been made into a film. The play is based on a long poem written by an Englishman, Arthur Brooke, in 1562. But Brooke probably found the story in old French and Italian books and rewrote it. Shakespeare, in any case, added details of his own and put into it some of the most beautiful and poetic words he ever wrote. The play is about the story of two lovers, Romeo and Juliet who fell in love and had to marry in secret because their parents and family were engaged in a bitter feud with each other. The very first lines of the play tell us about this long-standing quarrel, Two households, both alike in dignity (in fair Verona, where we lay our scene) From ancient grudge break into new mutiny, Also, Juliets father had arranged another marriage with an older man called Paris. The end of the story involves the two lovers killing themselves; Romeo kills himself because he thinks Juliet is dead when she is actually using a potion to make it look that way. And Juliet dies because she kills herself after waking up to see Romeo dead. The death of the two lovers unites the families. The fifth and last act opens in Mantua. In the beginning of the first scene Romeo is in a cheerful mood, thinking of his beloved Juliet about whom he has dreamed. The dream is a prophecy. The dream presages the tragic awakening of Juliet, which occurs in the last scene, but his joyous spirits into putting a happy interpretation on the dream misguides Romeo. And breathd such life with kisses in my lips, That I revivd and was an emperor. Ah me! How sweet is love itself possessd when but loves shadows are so rich in joy! His dreams presaging some joyful news at hand is closely followed by the arrival of Balthasar, from Verona who interrupts his musings. The mood immediately changes as Balthasar arrives. He gently tells Romeo of Juliets apparent death. After that Romeo is no longer the visionary or the sentimentalist. At once he has become the energetic determined man of action. You can see the depth of his emotion in this scene because of his short, simple, sharp sentences, Is it een so? Then I defy you, stars! Thou knowst my lodging: get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses. I will hence to-night. (In the time of Elizabeth most people believed in world order, social hierarchy that meant that everything had its place even a stone.) His mind is made up in a flash and it is made clear that Romeo has had no word about the potion from Friar Laurence, and that he fully believes that Juliet is dead. Balthasar departs so he can hire horses for Romeo s return to Verona. Romeo resolves to visit a miserable, poverty-stricken Apothecary, who dwells near by. The sale of poison is forbidden by law in Mantua so he hopes to bribe the Apothecary to sell him poison. Romeos speech sketches a remarkably clear picture of the poor Apothecary and his strange stock-in-trade. Shakespeares little portrait of the man and his shop comes to life and lives in the memory. Shakespeare creates the Apothecary poor with tattered clothes who is weak and skinny. To add importance and recognition to this part of the scene Shakespeare uses alliteration: A dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear As will disperse itself through all the veins Having succeeded in obtaining poison, from the Apothecary, Romeo declares his intention of ending his life by Juliets side. Later on in the first scene you can see that there is a certain mature firmness and determination to be noticed in Romeos character. He is no longer a romantic youth. Scene two is a short one. Its basic purpose is to explain why Romeo received no word from Friar Lawrence about the potion and the plan to secrete Juliet away to Mantua. Friar John, who was sent by Friar Laurence to carry a letter of explanation to Romeo in Mantua, reports that he has not been able to leave Verona. While trying to find another monk to accompany him to Mantua, he became suspected of plague infection and was kept in quarantine. He has not been to Mantua, nor was he able to send the vital letter. Friar Laurence is worried: Unhappy fortune! Sending Friar John for a crowbar to open the tomb, he decides to go himself to comfort Juliet when she wakes, and keep her hidden till Romeo can fetch her: Poor living corse, closed in a dead mans tomb! The reason why Romeo has not received news of the truth of Juliets burial now becomes clear. It is pure chance that Friar John cannot deliver the letter, chance that leads to the final act of the tragedy. Friar Laurence reacts with typi cal practicality and commits a further deception in order to cover his previous deceitful acts. The last scene takes place in the vault of the Capulets, which stands in a churchyard. It is nighttime. Paris has come to visit Juliets grave in secret. A servant to keep watch and warn him if anyone approaches accompanies him. Paris strews Juliets tomb with flowers, as her marriage bed would have been, and promises to do this for her every night: Nightly shall be to strew thy grave and weep. He then hears his servant whistling so he then withdrawals. How both original and contemporary audiences might respond to the trial scene in Merchant of Venice EssayThe lovers gain honour they have not previously found. Both have matured, Juliet more than Romeo, and chose their deaths knowingly, if unwisely, firm and unswayed in their resolution, each considering love of the other to be more important than living. Beside this, Pariss formal though genuine affection seems lifeless, and the mourning of their families merely a postscript. However, by the end of the play, all have learned a lesson. The parents now mourn truly for their children and we feel they will indeed do their best to end the feud. The Friar admits his mistake and, for that, is pardoned. Prince Escalus, the representative of law and order, realises that his weakness is as much to blame as the families for what has happened. The final lines close the play on a note of sorrow, and are spoken not by the family but by Escalus. Although the lovers relationship has been a private affair, it affects not only their families but also all of Verona; the lessons it teaches are for all of us. Although Baz Luhrmanns film is much the same to Shakespeares play it has its differences. The first difference you will probably discover is how they have modernised it. It appeals to modern audiences because the majority of the audiences prefer it. For example guns instead of swords, modern cities and modern vehicles to make it more interesting. They also change some of it to fit in with the current times such as the hostage on the church steps instead of the fight with Tybalt to show desperation. The film starts off with a soliloquy. Romeo is smoking casually. Everything is light such as his shirt. I think that this is trying to show that he is in a peaceful state. It is also perfect to show bad news. The colours are not very bright which could mean that there will not be any joyful news. Balthazar arrives and there is a camera shot of him standing solitary in the middle of the open barren. Also describe his feelings. You can see the sunset and calm music starts to play with a simple melody played by a guitar. It is very relaxing and then the music gets faster as he gets angry. The music stops and then starts again as he talks and then become louder then ever with the tempo increasing at the same time. I think that this music is trying to show you what is going on in his head and it links with what he is doing. It speeds up as if music is displaying his rage. The camera then has shots on the city using a helicopter. The camera then all of a sudden goes to the priest and it bangs. This shows that the scene is fast paced and full of tension. When he buys the potion I noticed how Baz Luhrman did not use the apothecary once. The man who sells the potion is shown as fat in contrast with Shakespeares old skinny apothecary. The shop in the play seems to be one with weirdness. It can be thought as empty too. There are just two or three books a turtle hanging from the ceiling, a crocodile on the table scales and some shelves with pots etc. The one in the film is different to this. Whenever Romeo talks music and other sound effects start like when the money goes there is drums. It is slow to begin with then gets faster as chase goes on. It helps the pace. The music stops and starts especially on the priest and starts again on the chase. When he grabs the hostage which is a substitute for the fight with Balthasar. This shows his desperation to see Juliet. The camera turns past on police officers and it keeps switching as they fire and gets faster as Romeo goes in it. It then all stops in a sudden when in the sanctuary. There are lights and candles symbolising the Capulets wealth. This is very different to Shakespeares play, as there is no candles and stuff like that. It is as if he his walking down the Isle to get married when Juliet is in her coffin. The candles look very exaggerated and over the top. As music starts it reaches a climax. Moves when he looks away with camera showing candles in front of them. Music starts again and seems to get more tragic and emotional. She wakes up after her deep sleep and starts talking straight way. This shows un-realism as she has slept for ages. It is very different to the play. Romeo dies before she wakes up in the play. He dies much calmer than he should have especially compared to what the man said who sold it to him. It zooms in on faces a lot then zooms out to see candles then a close up. There is slow motion as she goes for the gun instead of sword compared to with the play. As soon as the gunshot comes out it zooms out and then zooms in again. There are then flashbacks with a good technique being used. It is first still then a white flash followed by black and white or dim to show T.V screen it then zooms out from T.V and ends like it starts getting smaller, fading away. The basic story line remains the same but I think he has changed some parts for the better. There are parts in the play, which the audience find annoying like the fact that Romeo dies so close to Juliets wakening. In the film he makes it so they are both awake which gives a sense of relief. He has also done this successfully would out changing the basics principle of it and the ending. He also makes it more exciting by adding guns with some of them with the writing sword 9mm. There is also car chases and modern cities which adds a good atmosphere to the film. One thing that people may not like however is the old language but I think that it is good to hear Shakespeares poetic writings on screen. And if this was changed then there could have been just a little too much change in it. I think it is amazing how he changes all this but at end of it. Its just like Shakespeares classic if you come to think about it.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Toddlerhood Essay Example

Toddlerhood Paper Toddlers use self-control when they want something they cant have, or when they are forced Into a situation they do not want to be In. For example, a child may want a candy bar, but the caregiver refuses to give It to them Immediately. The toddler uses their ability of self-control to Walt patiently until they are allowed to have the candy bar. Psychosocial Crisis The psychosocial crisis of toddlers Is autonomy versus shame and doubt. Autonomy is a toddlers sense that they can do things on their own instead of with the assistance of the caregiver. A toddlers ability to do something on their own boosts their self-esteem in accomplishing tasks and makes them more confident in themselves later on in life. If a caregiver is supportive and praising when a toddler does something correctly on their own, the positive outcome of the psychosocial crisis for this stage of life is achieved. Shame and doubt is a toddlers sense that they cannot do anything right on their own, causing them to second-guess themselves more often that not. Shame and doubt is the negative outcome of this psychosocial rises, and it can be caused from caregivers who are not praising and supportive of their childs sense of autonomy. If, for example, the caregiver scolds the child for doing something wrong every time they attempt to complete the task, the child will not be confident in themselves whenever they try to do something on their own. Later in life, these toddlers will have a low sense of self-esteem and will always question the validity of their actions. Central Process The central process for the stage of toddlers is imitation. We will write a custom essay sample on Toddlerhood specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Toddlerhood specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Toddlerhood specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Toddlers use Imitation in order to best learn how to do things. A toddler may imitate an older sibling tying their shoes in order to fully learn how to tie their own shoes. Imitation can also be used for fantasy play; a child may Imitate their mother washing the dishes after observing her and how she completes the task. Coping Mechanisms The prime adaptive ego quality of this stage of life Is will. Will Is the capacity of the mind to direct and control action. Without will, toddlers would not be able to control themselves when necessary or develop a sense of autonomy. Toddlers who do not eve a strong will become adults that do not make decisions for themselves often unless otherwise directed by another. The core pathology of this life stage Is compulsion. Compulsion Is developed when toddlers do not develop a strong sense of self-control Is established. Toddlers with a low will power often give In to their compulsions, be them good or bad; toddlers may steal candy bars if they want it or hurt someone because they are not happy with teem. Compulsion can also De a sense Tanat things must time they are completed. De cone a CE rattan way every

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Population and development in Nigeria

Population and development in Nigeria Free Online Research Papers POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT Population has its effects on development and mostly when its rate is increasing, underdevelopment occurs. High population growth especially in Nigeria Is a challenge for three major reasons. First, rapid population growth puts a lot of stress on ecosystems. Many different issues such as food security, land tenure, environmental degradation and water supply do have a demographic background. Civil strife is also often caused by population pressure on scarce resources. Secondly, rapid population growth impacts on the economy because governments need to provide human capital investments for their population education, health, etc. When population grows too fast such investments become logistically and financially very difficult to meet. In addition, rapid population growth may slow down the increase of income per capita. For example, if your economy expands at six percent per year but your population at three percent, your revenue per capita will expand at only three percent. The third issue is linked to the health of women and their children as well as the status of women in society. Pregnancies that are too early, too late and too many are not conducive to good health outcomes. The world’s most populous country is China with a population of 1,335,962,132 and takes a percentage of about of 19.84%. Other high populated countries are India, United States of America, Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan and so on Nigeria is the eight (8th) most populous countries in the world and takes about 2.2% of the world’s population Nigeria’s population of 134.4 million inhabitants makes up approximately 50% of West Africa’s population of about 270 million inhabitants. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, the largest economy and by far the largest contributor to ECOWAS budget and peacekeeping efforts. Any instability in Nigeria is bound to have sub-regional repercussions. NIGERIA, THE CURRENT AND ANTICIPATING LEVELS OF POPULATION. Nigeria witnessed rapid urbanization since the oil boom of the 1970s. There were improvements in transportation and mobility. The country registered the fastest rate of urbanization in the world, but it did not translate into a better life for its population. By 1986 Nigeria had an estimated urban growth rate of 6% (more than twice that of the rural population) with the percentage of people living in urban areas estimated to have grown from 16% to 20%. By 2010, more than 40% of the population was expected to live in the urban centers, whereas this fi gure was already 48% by 2006. Fast growing urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa, and especially West Africa, is like climate change. It has been endlessly debated with no forceful solution proposed. Despite the many ordeals that come with unplanned or unmanaged urbanization, hardly anybody has been able to reverse the process. Africa has now the highest rate of urban growth in the world – four point four per cent against a global average of two point five per cent. Although the continent still has relatively few inhabitants living in cities, more and more people are moving from rural to urban areas – increasing the risk of violence and environmental degradation. If the current trend continues, two third of all Africans would be living in cities by the year 2020. Urbanization has occurred in nearly every part of the world. People move into cities to seek economic opportunities. In rural areas, and even more in afflicted sub-Saharan regions, it is diffi cult to improve one’s standard of living be yond basic sustenance. Farm living is dependent on unpredictable environmental conditions, and in times of drought, flood or pestilence, survival becomes extremely problematic. Wealth, in contrast, is concentrated in cities, as are businesses, which generate jobs and revenues. Nigeria’s case is that of overpopulation. Overpopulation is a condition where an organisms numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance, the term usually refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. Overpopulation is not a function of the size or density of the population. Overpopulation is determined using the ratio of population to available sustainable resources. If a given environment has a population of ten, but there is food or drinking water enough for only nine, then in a closed system where no trade is possible, that environment is overpopulated; if the population is 100 individuals but there is enough food, shelter, and water for 200 for the indefinite future, then it is not. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates due to medical advances, from an increase in immigration, or from an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. It is possible for very sparsely-populated areas to be overpopulated, as the area in question may have a meager or non-existent capability to sustain human life. Urbanization is the process whereby a group of people migrating together (especially in some given time period). Whether due to natural causes (high birth rates) or through migratory movements (rural-urban exodus), the increase of population makes competing user-demands on land and other scarce natural resources. It also puts pressure on the environment and leads to social tensions among different interest groups. This is an age-old problem, common to all parts of the world. However, in the socio-economic context of West Africa, this demographic pressure represents a radical crisis of development and sustainability. EFFECTS OF OVER POPULATION ON DEVELOPMENT ? Inadequate fresh water for drinking water use as well as sewage treatment and effluent discharge. Lagos state for example is the most populous state in Nigeria and has the persistent problem of inadequate water supply which has lead to the unhealthy living conditions. Unhygienic living conditions are therefore based upon water resource depletion, discharge of raw sewage and solid waste disposal. ? Increased levels of pollution; air, water, noise, soil contamination . Once a country has industrialized and become wealthy, a combination of government regulation and technological innovation causes pollution to decline substantially, even as the population continues to grow. ? Irreversible loss of arable land and increases in desertification. Deforestation and desertification can be reversed by adopting property rights, and this policy is successful even while the human population continues to grow. Parts of the north in Nigeria are currently suffering from encroachment of desert from the Saharan desert. ? High infant and child mortality. High rates of infant mortality are caused by poverty. Nigeria’s infant mortality rate is currently 100/1000 births. Comparing that figure with those of developed countries, it shows the growth of population has not created the chance for development of the health system. ? Increased chance of the emergence of new epidemics and pandemics. For many environmental and social reasons, including overcrowded living conditions, malnutrition and inadequate, inaccessible, or non-existent health care, the poor are more likely to be exposed to infectious diseases. ? Starvation, malnutrition or poor diet with ill health and diet-deficiency diseases (e.g. rickets). Famine is aggravated by poverty. Rich countries with high population densities do not have famine. About 70% of Nigerians live in rural areas and these regions are so underdeveloped that malnutrition has become a constant issue. With the pressure of population on the environment, there is a decline in both subsistence and export agriculture. Consequently, parts of the sub-region face constant difficulty in feeding their populations adequately, including the high urban populations increasingly dependent for food on rural agriculture. ? Poverty coupled with inflation in some regions and a resulting low level of capital formation. Poverty and inflation are aggravated by bad government and bad economic policies. Many countries with high population densities have eliminated absolute poverty and keep their inflation rates very low. ? Elevated crime rate due to drug cartels and increased theft by people stealing resources to survive. Regions with high rate of population are posed to threats of high crime rates. Lagos state for example in the past years has increased had increase in crime rate. Research Papers on Population and development in NigeriaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraResearch Process Part OneBringing Democracy to AfricaRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Is Pozole How to Make Delicious Mexican Corn Soup

What Is Pozole How to Make Delicious Mexican Corn Soup SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you heard people discuss the deliciousness of pozole and you were confused because you didn't know what they were talking about? Have you eaten pozole, and now you need to know how to make it? Well, you're in luck. I'm going to educate you on all things pozole. By the end of this article, you'll know about the origins of pozole, how it's made, and you'll be able to prepare all the major types of this traditional Mexican stew. What Is Pozole? Pozole, AKAposole orpozolà ©, is a traditional Mexican soup. Because making it is labor-intensive and time-consuming, it’s often a treat for special occasions. Those who grew up with pozole associate it with family and festivities. I may be biased because I love it, but if you haven’t tried pozole, you need to ASAP. It’s rare to find somebody who’s tried pozole who doesn’t like it. Pozole comes from the Nahuatl word â€Å"pozilli,† meaning â€Å"foam.† Nahuatl was the language of the Aztecs, anindigenous people of modern-day Mexico. Pozole is made with hominy, which is processed corn with the germ removed, and meat, traditionally pork. It’s also often made with chicken, especially for those who don’t eat pork. The stew is seasoned with a combination of spices, and it’s typically topped with garnishes like radishes, avocados and lime juice. Here’s a pic of hominy. It looks like puffed-up corn kernels. You can buy dried hominy or make your own hominy from corn, but it’s easiest to buy canned hominy. All you have to do to make pozole from canned hominy is drain and rinse the hominy from the can. Then, it’s ready to cook. The History of Pozole Pozole originated with the Aztecs and other indigenous tribes in Mesoamerica. Historical texts state that the pozole of the Natives was made with sacrificed human flesh, and it was eaten on special occasions. Yummy. After the Spanish arrived and cannibalism was banned, the human flesh was replaced with pork. There is some speculation that the Aztecs opted to use pork because it tastes like human meat. I guess that means I’d regrettably find cannibalism delicious. Today, pozole is still a very common food for Mexicansto eat on special occasions, like weddings, quinceaà ±eras (special celebrations for girls’ 15th birthdays), birthdays, baptisms, and holidays. The Different Types of Pozole There are different variations of pozole associated with different regions of Mexico. These are the three major types of pozole: pozole rojo (red pozole), pozole verde (green pozole), and pozole blanco (white pozole). In my experience, red pozoles seem to be the most common, but one of the best meals I’ve ever had was a green pozole. Here’s how the different colors of pozole look. PozoleBlanco: Basic PozoleWithout Salsa PozoleRojo: PozoleWith a Red Salsa PozoleVerde: PozoleWith a Green Salsa Primarily, the difference in color in the salsas comes from the red chiles in pozole rojo and the green tomatillos in pozole verde. Also, instead of pork, you can make a pozole with chicken or goat. In Mexico, pozole is traditionally made with pig’s head, but because it’s a little harder to find pig’s head to purchase in the US, you can stick with pork shoulder or pork butt. However, if you’re feeling a little adventurous and can find a place that sells pig’s head, go for the glory. How to Make Pozole There are a number of ways to make pozole, but generally it consists of hominy, spices, pork or chicken, and vegetables. Depending on how you make it and the ingredients you use, it can take up to two days to prepare, but you can also make it in less than an hour. I’ll go through one complete pozole recipe and then provide information about how to make the major types of pozole. You can make slight alterations to pozole recipes based on your available ingredients and equipment. Also, you can change the amount or type of ingredients to suit your taste preferences. Chicken Pozole Blanco This is a white pozole recipe made with chicken. The white pozole is the easiest of the major types of pozole to make. I found this recipe on Simply Recipes. It’s intended to serve 6 people; adjust the amounts accordingly. The garnishes are just for extra flavor, so you only need to use those that you have and like. In most of the pozoles I’ve had, radishes, lime, and avocados are almost always included as garnishes. Ingredients for pozole 1 Whole chicken- 4 1/2-5 1/2 pounds cut into parts (but still on the bone) Salt 1 red onion sliced in half 1 large 6 lb. 9 oz. can of hominy, drained and rinsed 4 large cloves of peeled garlic 1-2 tablespoons of dried oregano (preferably Mexican oregano) Ingredients for Garnishes 1/4 whole cabbage thinly sliced 1 tomato, cored and chopped 1 avocado, peeled and chopped 1 red onion, peeled and chopped 1 large bunch cilantro, chopped 1 large bunch watercress, chopped Mexican cheese (queso fresco), sliced 4 red radishes, thinly sliced 2 limes cut into wedges Chopped seeded jalapeno or serrano chiles (you can substitute other chile peppers) Tostadas, tortillas, or tortilla chips Instructions First, put the pieces of chicken, still on the bone, in a large pot with roughly 3 quarts of water. Add the two half onions and a teaspoon of salt. Bring the water to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a simmer. Simmer uncovered for approximately 20-30 minutes, or until the chicken is tender and fully cooked. Remove the chicken from the pot and let it cool until you can handle it without burning your hands. Use a fork to pull the chicken meat from the bones. Set the chicken aside and put the bones back in the pot. Simmer the bones uncovered for another half hour. While the broth and bones are simmering, put about half the can of hominy into a blender. Add two cups of stock from the pot into the blender. Then add the garlic cloves. Make sure the top is fully secured on the blender, and then blend until everything is fully blended. After the 30 minutes of additional simmering has elapsed, skim the foam and excess fat from the surface of the stock. Just use a large ladle to scoop it out. Remove the bones and any other solids from the pot. Pour in the hominy blend. Add the remaining unblended hominy and the oregano Simmer for an additional 20 minutes. During this last period of cooking, you can prepare the garnishes. Normally, the garnishes are put into individual bowls, so people can choose what and how much to add. Before serving, shred or chop the cooked chicken meat and add it back to the pot. If you like a little extra salt, add it to your taste preference. Then serve your pozole in individual bowls with a side of tortillas, tostadas, or tortilla chips. Add your garnishes to your bowl of pozole as you wish. Dig in! Chicken pozole blanco with garnishes on the side Pork Pozole Blanco If you want to make a pork pozole blanco instead, you can follow the same exact recipe except with 1  ½ -2 pounds of pork shoulder or roast instead of chicken. Pozole Rojo To turn this white pozole into a red pozole, you just have to add in a red chile purà ©e when you add the hominy blend and unblended hominy. Here’s how to make a red chile salsa for your pozole rojo. I got this recipe from Leite’s Culinaria, which adapted it from Pati’s Mexican Table. Ingredients 2 dried ancho chiles, rinsed, stemmed, and seeded 3 dried guajillo chiles, rinsed, stemmed, and seeded 1/4 cup of chopped white onion 3 chopped garlic cloves A pinch of ground cumin 2 whole cloves 1 teaspoon kosher or coarse sea salt, or to taste 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil Instructions Put the ancho and guajillo chiles in a medium saucepan. Add just enough water to barely cover them and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Simmer for about 10 minutes, until the chiles are softened and rehydrated. Put the chiles and  ¾ of a cup of their soaking liquid in a blender or food processor with the onion, garlic, cumin, cloves and salt. Blend until the mixture is smooth. Pour the purà ©e through a strainer and into a bowl. Press on the solids with the back of a wooden spoon to get out as much of the liquids as possible. You can discard the solids. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat until hot but not smoking. Add the chile purà ©e and bring to a boil. Then, partially cover the pan and simmer. Stir occasionally, for roughly 6 to 8 minutes, until the purà ©e is thickened. Finally, remove the chile purà ©e from the heat, and it’s ready to be added to your pozole. Pozole Verde The green sauce for the pozole verde is added at the same time as the red sauce for pozole rojo. Again, add the green salsa when you add the hominy blend and unblended hominy. This recipe comes from Ingredients 1 lb. of green tomatillos, husked and halved 1 small onion, quartered 2 poblano chiles, cored, seeded, and quartered 2 jalapenos, seeded and quartered 4 large garlic cloves, smashed  ½ cup chopped cilantro 1 tablespoon oregano leaves Salt and ground black pepper 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil Instructions Put the tomatillo, onion, poblanos, jalapenos, garlic, cilantro, and oregano in a blender. Pulse until it’s finely chopped, and then add one cup of the pozole cooking liquid (the liquid from your unfinished pot of pozole). Blend until it’s smooth. You can use a strainer to ensure smoothness. Season the purà ©e with salt and pepper, so it’s to your liking. Then, in a large, deep skillet, heat the vegetable oil. Add the purà ©e, and cook it over medium heat. Stir it occassionally Cook it for about 12 minutes, until the sauce turns a deep green. Then, it’s done and ready to be added to your cooking liquid. Ta-da! 6 Other Ways to Make Pozole As I previously mentioned, there are tons of slight variations in pozole recipes. The recipes differ in the ingredients and how the pozole is prepared. Here are a few other examples of how you can make pozole. I'm giving you multiple options, so you can be more familiar with the different varieties and find the recipe that will work best for you. Traditional Pozole Here’s an extremely traditional pozole rojo recipe with pig head. And it provides instructions for making your own hominy from corn. Old school Mexicans believe that making your own hominy instead of using the canned hominy makes the pozole taste better. Also, in this recipe, the meat and bones are left in the pot throughout the cooking process. Pozole With Dried Hominy Additionally, you can make pozole with dried hominy that you prepare by soaking overnight in cold water before cooking. Here’s a pork red pozole recipe from The New York Times with dried hominy. Bags of dried hominy Vegetarian Pozole If you don’t eat meat, you can also make a vegetarian pozole with hominy, aromatics, vegetables, and spices. Check out this vegetarian red pozole recipe that incorporates dried hominy. Pozole With Chicken and Pork If you’re a fan of meat, you can make a pozole with both chicken and pork. Just cut the amounts of chicken and pork in half. To serve 6, you’d need about 2  ½ pounds of chicken and a pound of pork. Or you can use 5 pounds of chicken and 2 pounds of pork to make a pozole with double the meat. Easy-to-Make Pozole There are variations of pozole that are super easy to make. You can substantially cut down on the time it takes to make pozole by using canned hominy and chicken that’s already cooked. Additionally, for your sauces, instead of making them by scratch, you can use canned green chiles for pozole verde and canned salsa to make pozole rojo. Here’s a 20-minute recipe for chicken pozole verde. While this type of pozole can taste good, it probably won't be nearly as delicious as pozoles that require more cooking. You probably shouldn't serve an easy to make pozole to a traditional Mexican. Different Spices and Chile Peppers Each pozole recipe will somewhat vary in the amount and type of spices used to season the pozole. Most call for garlic, cumin, oregano, salt, and pepper. A couple of changes you can make include using garlic powder instead of garlic cloves, and you can add paprika for a little extra kick. Furthermore, you can leave out any of the spices if you don’t like them. There are enough flavorful ingredients in pozole that you shouldn’t have to worry about your pozole being bland, especially if you’re making pozole verde or pozole rojo. Additionally, you can change the chile peppers in your red sauce or green sauce to alter the spice content. Traditionally, the red pozole sauce calls for ancho and guajillo peppers. For a less spicy sauce, you can use cubanelle peppers or anaheim peppers. If you want to go more spicy, you can use puya peppers or morita chili peppers. The green sauce tends to use poblano peppers and jalapeà ±os with the tomatillo. You can use fewer peppers if you want to decrease the spice level, or you can use a Sonora chili pepper. Keep in mind that when added to the pozole, the green sauce in pozole verde is pretty mild. To make it spicier, I would suggest adding additional jalapeà ±os. Jalapeà ±o peppers! The red ones are ripe. Pozole Garnishes As I mentioned previously, you add the garnishes to your individual bowl of pozole after the pozole is done. The garnishes add more flavor, and it’s entirely up to you how to garnish your pozole. These are the most common garnish options: Radishes Lime juice Avocados Cabbage Lettuce Cheese (Normally queso fresco) Tortilla strips Tostadas (on the side) Tortillas (on the side) Chopped onion Cilantro Jalapeà ±o Hot sauce Scallions Sour cream All you have to do is add any of these ingredients that you like to your bowl of pozole to maximize your pozole experience. If you're preparing pozole for multiple people, you can serve garnishes in individual bowls and let your guests decide what they want to put in their pozole. Now that you know what pozole is and how to make it, you should whip up a batch and find out how it tastes. You can thank me later.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Conclusion - Essay Example The high quality of products and excellent customer friendly services make Cafà © very attractive place to relax. There is effective communication across the workforce which has promoted greater understanding across the diverse workforce (Mullins, 2010). Indeed, if the management continues to engage its employees meaningfully and promotes participatory approach that inculcates strong sense of shared values, it would become the best coffee shop of the town. Cafà © Bleu enjoys excellent location near the University of Miami which could be exploited in many ways. As most of its employees are young students, Cafà © could offer the student community with part time jobs to meet the challenges of its growing clientele and popularity. The management can also look out for new ideas from the University students who come here for a cup of coffee. Growth and innovative thinking go hand in hand (Meyer at al., 2007). Indeed, it could be the key management strategy to enhance the appeal of the Cafà © for students and people in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Repositioning Research Paper

Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Repositioning - Research Paper Example Strategic Mission Statement The mission of Holden Trucking Services is to be preferred trucking firm by being able to deliver the most affordable, high quality and efficient trucking services to the customers. According to Radhakrishnan (2001), trucking services form a very important part of the supply chain for many business and it is critical that it is efficient in terms of service as well as cost. This is what Holden Trucking Services will seek to be doing, that is, provide efficient and reliable services to customers at affordable prices. In its growth outlook, Holden Trucking Services looks to serve the African market. The African market is the most underserved market in this sector of the global economy. Africa is expected to be next big economy in the next twenty years. According to market experts, the current fast growing markets such as India and China will have reached their optimum growth by the year 2050. At the current moment, every firm including trucking firms are con centrating their foreign market growth in the BRICS market. As the African market is being ignored, it is going to be easy for Holden Trucking Services to establish itself as the trucking firm of choice and be able to take advantage when the opportune e time comes. The African market is already a ripe market and is underserved and even without having to wait for the opportunities time. Most African countries don’t have dependable trucking services of their own and therefore depend on foreign firms. None of these foreign firms have been gracious enough to offer localised trucking services. This means that the services are too expensive for the local African market. The services are also inefficient and not dependable especially where time of delivery is critical. Holden Trucking Services will be the trucking firm to fill this gap to make sure that the local market is well served. Marketing Plan Holden Trucking Services will reach the market by personalising the services. The m arket will be divided into smaller cells with each cell being given as much autonomy as possible. This will make sure that every area can be served individually and this will increase the quality of the service to the customers. Holden Trucking Services will also seek to be a low-price leader. The modern trucking business is too expensive for most customers an this always has a negative implication of the customers because most of the customers are businesses which would benefit a lot if they could find a cheaper way to deliver their goods so that they can expand their profit margins (Kendall, 2005). Offering low prices and high quality of service to the customer will be an easy way to enter in the market and Holden Trucking Services seeks to use this as a way to make sure that it curves a market share for itself. Segmentation of the Market Holden Trucking Services will seek to serve the underserved market. Such underserved market include the small scale businesses which usually can not afford to have their own trucks but at the same time find trucking services prohibitively high. In this regard, to be able to serve this market, Holden Trucking Services will use two main strategies. First, it will include smaller trucks rather than having only large trucks. These smaller trucks will help in making sure that the firm is able to dispatch customer’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

DNS servers Essay Example for Free

DNS servers Essay Name resolution requests, such as navigating in studentserver. college. edu, can be initiated by both DNS clients and DNS servers. There are two ways to resolve queries in the FQDN: recursive (where the DNS client requires the DNS server to respond with the IP address of the request or an error message that the requested name does not exist) and iterative (which uses zone information and its cache to return the best possible answer to the client and can be referred to another DNS server). The process of resolving DNS to resolve the FQDN involves: 1. sending a recursive query to the local DNS server; 2. checking its local cache to determine whether the name has recently been resolved. If there is an entry in the local cache, the IP address is returned to the client before forwarding the request to a root server; 3. sending an iterative query to a root name server if no entry exists in the cache for a hostname; 4. the root name server referring the DNS server to a name server responsible for the first-level domain within the hostname; 5. referring the original DNS server to second-level DNS servers, and then third-level DNS servers, until one of them can resolve the hostname to an IP address and return the results back to the client. For DNS forwarders, the following process is followed: 1. The DNS server attempts to resolve the request using its local cache and zone information 2. If it can’t be resolved locally, the DNS server sends a recursive query to the forwarding DNS server 3. If the forwarder does not respond in its attempt to resolve the query, the DNS server attempts to resolve the request by contacting the appropriate DNS server, as specified in the root hints.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Televisions Impact on Young Teens Essay -- Cause Effect Media Image E

Television's Impact on Young Teens   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the ever growing world of mass media becoming more accessible to our children, we must realize the effect television has on the youth of today. The views and images portrayed on television go right to the heart of American youth. Young men and women are being taught that being over weight or not being skinny enough means that you are unattractive and lazy. The ideal female body which television portrays as being normal has gone from the voluptuous figure of Marilyn Monroe and Mimi VanDoren to the skinny waist and bust-line of Pamela Anderson and Brittany Spears. It has become an obsessive, unattainable goal for our young teenage women. These teens find themselves in an endless battle to try and attain figures that are only made possible through cosmetic surgery and a profession that pays you to look a certain way. Many girls who find themselves unhappy with their appearance turn to starvation, which later turns to binge eating, then to self-induced vomiting(B attegay 54).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eating disorders are far more common in the United States than in any other country. While some countries like Russia and Bosnia are struggling to find food, Americans are creating problems by consuming too much of it. Americanized countries or even any other industrialized countries with the direct influence of television are found to have considerably more problems with eating disorders. Carolyn Costin states in her book The Eating Disorder Source that western women seem to be at greater risk for developing disorders and the degree of Westernization seems to increase the risk. Costin then goes on to say that Evidence suggests that anorexia nervosa is uncommon outside the Western world and in less affluent Western countries. Furthermore, when immigrants move from less industrialized countries to more industrialized countries they are more likely to develop eating disorders. Costin is trying to say that you are at a greater risk of developing an eating order such as anorexia or bulimia in an Americanized culture because of the importance and constant reminders in forms of mass media that you should look thin, loose weight and keep the weight off. These are all things that are ongoing in our brains and degrade the self-image we behold of ourselves. Constin goes on to say: â€Å"Advertisements for taking off weight and keeping it off are fo... ... the product, but also causes insecurities of what we should look like holding the product. The consumers feed the fire of the sources flurry to put products in our faces.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Overall, media has increased its knowledge of its audience more rapidly than ever before. We are monitored by sources we would have never imagined and the problem is getting worse. With the new age of wireless internet and Cracker Jack baseball card sized phones, companies are tracking our every move. They know what we watch, who we call, where we go, and what we buy. They know what products to offer us and they know where to find more people like us so they too can be targeted.(Cantor p.32) The bottom line is that the media’s effect on us through television is much greater than we know. If they can convince us that our bodies are not slim enough, they can convince us that their products are worth buying. We need to rally for tighter standards from the Gatekeepers of television and the rest of mass media. The producers will only keep giving us more and as the audience becomes more and more desensitized we will only continue to want it until we become a warp ed society without values, morals or standards.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Different generations in Dubliners by James Joyce Essay

Dubliners: Choose one story from the collection and discuss how Joyce depicts relationships between people of different generations. In your answer you should: * Explain your own view of the treatment of the young by old people; * Look closely at the effects of Joyce’s narrative methods and language; * Comment on how the story relates to the concerns and methods of the novel as a whole. In Eveline Joyce portrays two generations, namely Eveline and her parents. Unlike the narrators in the previous stories, Eveline is an adult but the entrapment of the narrators remains constant with her. The main treatment of the young is of Eveline by her father. Her father, an alcoholic, abuses his daughter, â€Å"Even now, though she was nineteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger of her father’s violence. She knew it was that that had given her palpitations.† He makes her work but takes away her wages to throw away on drink, saying that she would â€Å"squander† the money, having â€Å"no head†. He is ungrateful for the hard work she does and ridicules her. Like Dublin, her father is stifling and oppressive and while she is with him she can never be happy or prosper. Also her work colleagues treat her unfairly, another example of the mistreatment of the young by their elders. On wondering what they will think to her moving away, she says they would â€Å"say she was a fool, perhaps; and her place would be filled up by advertisement. Mrs Gavan would be glad.† She says â€Å"She would not cry many tears at leaving the Stores. But in her new home, in a distant unknown country, it would not be like that.† Although she hates the lack of respect her colleagues have for her, her work is familiar, like her home life, and though it is dismal, it is assured. Eveline is in keeping with the stages-of-life structure of the novel whereby the narrator of each successive story is older than the last. Eveline is an adult, a young women of marrying age, but like the narrators of the first three stories preceding her own, she is controlled by the older generations. Eveline has more responsibilities than the previous narrators and her financial situation is worse but Joyce blurs the distinction between her adulthood and the children of the previous stories with her recollection of childhood memories. She recalls when â€Å"they seemed to have been rather happy then. Her father was not so bad then; and besides, her mother was alive.† The subject matter is more adolescent and the ideas of love and romance are introduced, having only previously being presented in the form of the boy’s unrequited crush in Araby. However, Eveline seems to distance herself from everyone around her and does not appear to feel very much love. Although she seems very attached to the familiarity of home, she â€Å"knows† her family rather than â€Å"loves† them – â€Å"In her home anyway she had shelter and food; she had those whom she had known all her life.† Equally, she does not appear to love Frank, but merely likes him – he was â€Å"very kind, manly, open hearted.† Although this story marks a shift to a third person narrative, Joyce uses the technique of streams of consciousness to convey the narrators’ thoughts. When Eveline has her epiphany, her sudden realisation of how terrible her life really is, this techinique is used: â€Å"Escape! She must escape! Frank would save her. He would give her life, perhaps love, too. But she wanted to live. Why should she be unhappy? She had a right to happiness. Frank would take her in his arms, fold her in his arms. He would save her.† The ellipse follows this, taking the action to the dock where she is to leave. This acts to build tension as the reader is sure Eveline will leave. By saying that â€Å"She prayed to god, to direct her, to show her what was her duty† Joyce is commenting on religion as if God has instructed Eveline to make the wrong decision and stay in Dublin. Likewise, in the previous stories he has presented priests very negatively and has hinted at the repressive nature of the Irish church, religion being another of the omnipresent themes in Dubliners. The recurrent themes of entrapment and paralysis play an important part in Eveline with the title character being trapped in the stagnant Dublin by her abusive, domineering father. Joyce makes clear her desire for something more as â€Å"She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue† but duty bound she wastes her opportunity to escape. It is she that looks after the house and the children, her brothers – â€Å"It was hard work – a hard life – but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life.† This shows the extent of her feelings of duty and her entrapment as she will suffer with the familiar rather than escape to the uncertain. Although she is terrified of ending up like her mother, whose â€Å"life of common place sacrifice closed in final craziness†, she feels obliged to stay to face the same inevitable future of misery. There is also a strong element of fear, of her father and of her lover but predominantly of the unknown – life outside the safe misery of Dublin. The treatment of Eveline by her father, and to a lesser extent her work colleagues, is typical of the treatment of the young in Dubliners. In The Sisters, Araby, and An Encounter children are repressed and controlled by adults including parents, teachers and churchmen. Throughout the novel Joyce depicts trans-generational relationships in a negative light, with most of them being very unbalanced and unfair. In Eveline the father is controlling and ungrateful and uses his power to keep Eveline from escaping Dublin, in the hope of a happy future. The main theme of entrapment dominates this story with Eveline trapped by fear and duty in the stagnant Dublin, trapped in the claustrophobic confines of her home.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Cheesecake Factory

There are a couple Of particular thoughts inside the set Of accepted rules that has some seriousness to the Cheesecake Factory†s business. It is basic that this set of principles is secured in light of the fact that staff parts must comprehend the Cheesecake Factory's morals and conviction framework in correlation to different associations in light of the fact that it may vary as to social substance, values, and requesting of convictions (Machines & Von, 2005). The principal critical thought in the set of accepted rules is clash of investment.The organization particularly expresses that a worker must keep away from circumstances in which a clash of investment would exist or have the presence of a clash of premium. This is greatly critical to the business on the grounds that it will keep workers from having the presence of giving special treatment to relatives, foremen, and business engages. In the event that the organization were to permit such conduct it could open them up to poor business exchanges that may not be beneficial and in addition block the current connections they have shaped with endorsed business associations.A typical case of this is if a general supervisor of an area had a relative who as a cry businessperson it would be disgraceful for that GM to use that relative to plan and offer requests of whimper to the restaurant. Besides, the set of accepted rules has procurements that make preparations for requesting. The non-requesting condition expresses that all workers and visitors should not feel influenced to buy or engage in merchandise and administrations that are non organization related.This is to help maintain a strategic distance from a circumstance where the organization's advantage ND brand is erroneously coincided with an alternate organization's advantage and brand. This can turn into a significant issue with a business in light of the fact that it can unmistakably open a business up to undue legitimate liabilities. Case in point, if a worker is offering corrective items inside the restaurant and the items cause a client to have a hypersensitive response the organization can be held at risk on the grounds that they gave the appearance they were embracing the items to the client.These two particular territories are greatly critical to the practicality of the business on he grounds that they can both open the organization up to undue obligation and are regularly two zones inside a set of accepted rules that can without much of a stretch be misconstrued. The key steps that can be taken by the executive to safeguard that the understood rules are followed by making the staff mindful of the set of principles. This is possible essentially by making it a vital piece of the employing procedure where the representative needs to sign that they read the set of principles and additionally being given a duplicate.This guarantees hat all workers are made mindful of the doe of behavior and having a duplicate promptly access ible when they are confronted with a circumstance they accept may have suggestions inside the set of principles. The Cheesecake Factory should then consider workers responsible to the implicit rules. This is possible through activity notices and verbal censures when there are infringement if the set Of accepted rules. For instance, the set of principles entirely forbids clashes of investment.In the event that the former case we expressed were to happen between the GM and the cry councilperson it would be basic that the representative is composed up expressing the infringement and the conceivable outcomes of their activities. It will be critical to distinguish the infringement on the implicit rules and additionally referencing their marking of the set of principles demonstrating they were mindful of the strategy'. Notwithstanding this It is critical that the Cheesecake Factory makes an environment where morals are esteemed.This is through the consolation of great choices through appl ause and in addition secretly decrying dishonest resistances. This is basic on the grounds that morals give a worker values that will figure out if their activities are correct or wrong and in addition if the result of such choices will be great or awful (Kicking & Grittier, 2004). When you make the best possible environment for morals to flourish you can guarantee that a set of accepted rules is maintained and hotly taken after. Finally, the Cheesecake Factory has a huge number of chances that could permit it to be all the more socially responsive in the groups in which it works.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Catholic Tradition And Marriage Essays - Divorce, Marriage, Family

Catholic Tradition And Marriage Essays - Divorce, Marriage, Family Catholic Tradition And Marriage EFFECTS OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC TRADITION UPON ASPECTS OF CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE AND BEHAVIOR MARRIAGE The love of a man and a woman is made holy in the sacrament of marriage and becomes the mirror of your everlasting love. Marriage is a sacrament by which two people are united in love and become one. A sacrament is the outward sign of something sacred. For many Christians, the sacraments as signs of the blessing of God, lie at the heart of worship. For many people, marriage is simply a civil ceremony, a legal step confirming the union of a man and a woman. But most Christians believe that it is a sacrament, which conveys Gods blessing onto the newly wedded couple. In 1984 in Britain there were 396,000 marriages and over half of these took place in a Register Office, which shows a decline in the amount of couples that opt for the more traditional marriage. Why do people marry? The main reasons for marriage are as follows: *to commit yourself to the person you love for a lifetime *to bring up children in a secure and loving home *to control and direct the sex instinct *for friendship and companionship through life In the gospel of Mark Jesus gives an explanation about the meaning and purpose of marriage, ..........And for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.(Mk 10:7-8), ........So they are no longer two but one. Man must not separate, then, what God has joined together.(Mk 10:8-9) The Catholic Church follows this teaching in Marks Gospel. Only death can end a marriage in the eyes of a church. If a couple have been married in a Church and get a divorce from the state, the Church teaches that they are still married in the eyes of God. The vows carried out during a marriage are almost like a rulebook that tells the couple how they should treat each other and respect each other according to the words of God. I take thee to be my wedded husband/wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better and worse for richer and poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death us do part according to Gods holy law and thereto I give thee my promise. Both partners make this promise and then in turn they place a ring on each others fourth finger and repeat: With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honour and all my worldly goods with thee I share in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. The ring is a sign of love and fidelity. The couple have promised themselves to each other in love as a permanent and exclusive relationship. The ring is a token of their promise to each other. Since the middle ages it has been traditional for the bridegroom to place the ring on the fourth finger of the bride. The ring was placed on the fourth finger after the words, In the name of the Father, son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Another reason for placing the ring on the fourth finger is because it was believed that it contained a vain going to the heart. In a Register Office there are only two statements required from both the bride and groom: I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I may not be joined in matrimony to........ and I call upon these persons here present to witness that I (FULL NAME) do take be my lawful wedded wife/husband. When a marriage takes place in a Register Office they are made infront of the Superintendent Registrar of the district. These vows are very sacred and are a guideline for all marriages. They are supposed to be undertaken by both partners in the marriage. When they are not followed properly a breakdown will occur within the marriage and both spouses will suffer because of it. Marriage is a public affair as it is carried out in your local community. Through marriage Gods love is said to be reflected. In the love that the man and women have for each other. When Pope John Paul ll spoke in Britain, he presented this vision of married life: A man and a woman pledge themselves to one

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Adjective Order - Definition and Examples in Grammar

Adjective Order s in Grammar In English grammar, adjective order is the customary order in which two or more adjectives appear in front of a noun phrase. Although adjective order in English isnt random, ordering relations . . . are tendencies rather than rigid rules. (David Dennison, Cambridge History of the English Language) Examples and Observations (a) Very smart little gold-plated collar pins come in various designs.(Marion C. Taylor, Shopping for the Smart Set. The Smart Set, December 1911)(b) Stanley was the little smart one whom we went to for authoritative answers.(Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. Random House, 2007)(a) This brave old man and his sons were amongst the first to hear and heed the trumpet of freedom calling them to battle.(Frederick Douglas, Life and Times of Frederick Douglas, 1881)(b) This is the roadstead all of boardreached by the sailorwearing the watchthat tells the timeof the old, brave manthat lies in the house of Bedlam.(Elizabeth Bishop, Visits to St. Elizabeths. Partisan Review, Spring 1957)[A] brave young man and a brave old man are acceptable, but *brave blond man is not. Both young and old help specify the meaning of brave (brave young ... suggests taking risks, and brave old . . . suggests enduring, perhaps), but brave blond... is odd because it has no appropriate meaning elements to specify the sense of brave.(Jim Feist, Premodifiers in English: Their Structure and Significance. Cambridge University Press, 2012) The order of adjectives in English is not rand om; different types of adjectives occur in a certain order. The exception to this is with adjectives of general description and those of physical state (size, shape, color), where their order may be reversed. ( 16a) They own an enormous, long-handled cutting knife.( 16b) They own a long-handled, enormous cutting knife.( 17a) She has a round yellow sofa.( 17b) She has a yellow round sofa. When the adjective order is reversed, as in the sentences above, the speaker generally wants to emphasize or draw attention to the first adjective in the sequence.Native speakers and highly proficient non-native speakers know intuitively the order in which adjectives should occur when more than one is used. . . . However, the order of a string of adjectives is something that ESL/EFL learners need to learn.   (Andrea DeCapua, Grammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers. Springer, 2008) The Order of Limiting and Descriptive Adjectives When limiting and descriptive adjectives appear together, the limiting adjectives precede the descriptive adjectives, with the articles usually in the first position: The ten yellow taxis were sold at auction.[article ( The), limiting adjective ( ten), descriptive adjective ( yellow)] (Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu, The Business Writers Handbook, 9th ed. Macmillan, 2010) The Order of Adjectives in a Series Sometimes adjectives appear in a string; when they do, they must appear in a particular order according to category.Adjective appear in the following order: 1. Determiners articles and other limiters . . .2. Observationpostdeterminers and limiter adjectives and adjectives subject to subjective measure . . .3. Size and shapeadjectives subject to objective measure . . .4. Ageadjectives describing age . . .5. Coloradjectives describing color . . .6. Originadjectives denoting the source of the noun . . .7. Materialadjectives describing what something is made of . . .8. Qualifierfinal limiter that is often part of the noun . . . (Kevin Wilson and Jennifer Wauson, The AMA Handbook of Business Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Style, Grammar, Punctuation, Usage, Construction, and Formatting. AMACOM, 2010) Norms and Variations Adjectives have mutual ordering relations which are tendencies rather than rigid rules: big brown bag is a more likely ordering than brown big bag. Over the entire recorded history of English there have been some changes herecompare Chaucers the old pore mans dethbut in our period there seems to be little chronological variation. We find such examples as ( 93a) but indeed that little foolish Woman has made me very uneasy.(1789 Betsy Sheridan, Journal 60 p. 171 ([15 June])( 93b) you little ungrateful puss(1848 Gaskell, Mary Barton vi.87)( 93c) Mrs Lee is a little timid woman(1850 Gaskell, Letters 70 p. 112 [26 April])( 93d) they came into the little interesting criss-crossy streets that held the most interesting shops of all(1906 Nesbit, Amulet i.18)( 94a) Then there is an old curious seat of the Marquis of Northampton(1838 Gaskell, Letters 12 p. 28 [18 August])( 94b) down some old mysterious stone steps(1841 ibid. 15 p. 820)( 95) in order to find the knitting old woman [some old woman who was famous . . . for her skill in knitting woolen stockings](1851-3 Gaskell, Cranford xi.101) In (93) we might expect little to come one place further to the right in PDE [present-day English], likewise old in (94), while knitting in (95) would probably come next to the head noun. Of course, isolated oddities do not in themselves show a difference in the language system, since at any period there has been freedom to violate the norms of adjectival order.(David Dennison, Syntax. The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume 4, ed. by Suzanne Romaine. Cambridge University Press, 1998) Idiomatic Placement of Adjectives Harper 1975, 1985 points out that some precisiansnit-pickers is Harpers wordobject to the illogical placement of adjectives in such expressions as a hot cup of coffee, a brand-new pair of shoes. The argument is that its the coffee thats hot, the shoes that are brand-new. . . . Harper points out that the placement of these adjectives is idiomatically correct, so the nitpickers may be ignored.(Merriam-Websters Dictionary of English Usage. Merriam-Webster, 1994) Semantic Factors Affecting Adjective Order In most publications that discuss adjective order, the semantics of the adjectives is presented as the main factor determining their ordering, although phonological and pragmatic factors (like euphony, idiomacy and emphasis) are generally thought to have some influence as well. The publications do not agree, however, on the nature of the semantic factor that is responsible for the order of the adjectives. Biber et al. (1999) argue that (English) adjectives expressing inherent features have to stand closer to the noun than those expressing non-inherent features (e.g. a new red ball). Martin (1969), Posner (1986) and Sproat and Shih (1988), on the other hand, assume that the crucial factor for adjective ordering is their (in)dependence on comparison (i.e. the degree in which recognition of the feature asks for comparison with other objects). They argue that the less dependent on the comparison, the nearer the adjective is placed to the noun. Hetzron (1978) and Risselada (1984), in thei r turn, suppose that the subjectivity/objectivity of the adjectives controls their position: the more objective the quality expressed by the adjective (i.e. the more a matter of recognition instead of opinion), the closer to the noun it has to be expressed (e.g. a nice green shirt, *a green nice shirt). Wulff (2003), finally, concludes on the basis of a statistical corpus analysis that various factors affect adjective ordering, of which (in)dependence on the comparison, affective load and the subjectivity/objectivity of the adjective are most influential.(Stà ©phanie J. Bakker, The Noun Phrase in Ancient Greek. Brill, 2009) Also Known As: order of adjectives, adjectival order

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Soviet Unions Involvement in Israels 1967 six day war and the gains Research Paper

Soviet Unions Involvement in Israels 1967 six day war and the gains - Research Paper Example Soviet Union played a major role in causing the 1967 six day war between Israel and Arab countries. Soviet Union was one among the strongest supporters of Israel earlier at the time of Israel’s formation. However, Soviet Union released later that because of the cultural similarities, Israel was getting more polarized towards United States. Israel’s increasing relationships with America, forced Soviet Union to look for other options in the Middle East. On the other hand, Arab countries were looking for an opportunity to establish stronger relationships with Soviet Union in order to counter the combined threats of America and Israel. Thus, Soviet Union established stronger relations with many of the Arab countries including Egypt in the 1960’s. Soviet Union was the major arm supplier for the Arab countries during this period. â€Å"The Soviet Union’s growing influence in the Middle East worried Israel as did Egypt’s ever growing hauls of Soviet weapo ns†1 Soviet Union had other intentions in strengthening the tension between Arab countries and Israel. In fact they were trying to catch fish from the muddy water.They calculated that the Arab countries had less powerful intelligences and it is easy to mislead these countries to with false information. In other words, Soviet Union supplied false intelligence to Arab countries in the 1960’s in order to strengthen their interests in Middle East region. One such false intelligence information supplied to Egypt by Soviet Union resulted in the six day war in 1967 between Israel and Arab countries... Soviet Union and Six Day war In 1960’s, â€Å"Soviets took on the role of armorer for both Syria and Egypt, supplying them with modern tanks, aircraft and later missiles†3. Israel had certain concerns about the increasing weapon accumulation by the Arab countries. They rightly calculated that these weapons may one day use against them if a war breaks out. Soviet Union did everything possible to increase the concerns of both Israel and the Arab countries. On one side, Soviet Union gave a strong message to Israel that they are ready to attack Israel’s critical places and on the other side, Soviet cultivated a feeling of insecurity among the Arab nations because of the fabricated threats from Israel. Western diplomats also played their own role in causing the six day war. A British foreign ministry official told an Israeli diplomat during this period that â€Å"the Soviet Unions would give it backing to Egypt if and when the latter decided to launch a preemptive wa r†4. In short, both Soviet Union and the Western countries played their parts in causing the six day war. However, Soviet Union seems to be more interested than the westerners in conducting this war because of their strategic interests in the Middle Eastern region. â€Å"Soviet Union’s objectives in the Middle Eastern region were included the control of Suyez Canal and cutting the oil supplies to the European powers†5. Soviet Union expected two birds for one shot by conducting the six day war. They thought that with the help of a war between Israel and Arab countries, they could have destabilized Israel from one end and cut the transport of oil supplies to European countries. During this period, all the commercial

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cultural Event Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28

Cultural Event Report - Essay Example Buell theatre was full of all sorts of personality where in attendance including Senator Nancy Todd hence government was fully represented. The Shen Yun festival was all about Chinese culture and music. The set up was amazing it was like being on avatar movie (Fritsch 17). The Shun Yun performances are arts and entertainment based on the 5000 years of Chinese culture it’s a series of events including music and dances about China and the impact and its revolution. The dances express history and past ways of life .the revolution also is expressed. The orchestra is conducted by Antonia Joy-Wilson. While the dances vary from classical dances to story based. Animations are also included in portraying the full message of Chinese culture. Performances began at 8:00 am. First to perform were a group of Chinese ladies approximately sixty dancers. They performed a classical dance, there costumes were superb silk clothing and ribbons with bright colors there dresses where red white and green. The dance involved turns, leaping air flips spins and side ways movements in a well choreographed pattern. What followed was a group of other female dancers with white attires and pink ribbons was like the first dance involved less dancers but very colorful. The third dance was story based performed by male dancers , it portrayed one general who was heading to war while a woman probably his wife or mother holding his right hand while fighting with his left hand. All dancers were dress in brown attire except the woman who is in red one (Fritsch 109). Most are dressed like accident combat men. Then it followed a performance of ancient drums. The artists where dressed in orange tops, black boots and white trousers, the performed differ ent arts. Each rhythm came about with changes in the background representing the Chinese landscapes, buildings and different cultures. It showed the transformation of china over the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tissue engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tissue engineering - Essay Example ed to traditional methods as it solves twin problems of donor scarcity and the risks of tissue transplant rejection including transmission of diseases (Gomes & Reis, 2004, p. 738). Tissue engineering is a relatively new field of research and there is a paucity of certain academic scientific materials and research studies. It is expected this new field will have a big impact on the provision of health care in the coming years when more complex bio-materials are needed for functional tissues like bones, cartilage or large bone segments (ibid.) and even complex organs. Stem cell research has been very useful so far but there are so many ethical and other moral issues involved which has stymied large-scale efforts in this direction. Tissue engineering has no such ethical considerations as it does not involve embryonic stem cells. This new process holds much promise from the medical and economic standpoints as it skirts moral issues while potentially offering much lower costs to the patients. As example, the world market for bone grafts shows 50% are from autologous grafts while only 10% are from synthetic bio-materials thereby indicating substantial room for growth in terms of unmet market need. This entirely different approach intends to help diseased, defective or lost tissues to regenerate themselves or develop biologically-acceptable substitutes using homogeneous or heterogeneous cells. The new technique is alternatively called as regenerative medicine or as re-constructive medicine using either autogeneic cells or foreign cells. In the course of conducting research, medical scientists accidentally found out statins are very helpful in the formation of bone tissues. This coincidental or accidental discovery is very much reminiscent of the way Viagra (sildenafil citrate) was discovered to be helpful in curing ED while in the course of conducting research for finding a cure of many heart-related ailments like pulmonary arterial hypertension, angina pectoris and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Reasons And Solutions Of Developing Gap

The Reasons And Solutions Of Developing Gap Now with the open world market, many people increase confidence that the developing gap between developing and developed countries. However the opposite reality shows that after World War Two, this developing gap has been increasingly widened. According to a British expert, if developing countries income remains at the level of 5% of developed countries, then the absolute gap in income needs 40 years to be eliminated. (Robert Hunter Wade, 2004) So what are the reasons for the widening developing gap? Developed countries selfishly believe that developing countries should be responsible for such consequence by themselves, and they also find many evidences to blame developing countries, but of course they are just tricks rather than truths. This paper will analyze these tricks one by one and then find real reasons for the developing gap. The first one is about international trade. China is often blamed as using productions with the lowest costs and prices to trade in international market. Yes China does, and many developing countries also do as China does, but before we blame them without consideration, we should think about the reason why most developing countries go such a way, or say whether there is a rule inside the phenomena. Theories from Macroeconomy prove that economy development needs to take comparative advantages. So to developing countries, low-cost industries, such as manufactory, should be developed at first. Actually those successful countries or areas which got high speed of increase in economy, such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, were all developing manufactory at first. But why developing countries cannot get such success at current time? The reason is simple: rules are more controlled by developed countries. The most obvious trap is the increasing pricing gap between low and hi gh levels of products. Among so many victims of the pricing gap, India is a typical one. From 1960s to 1990s, main types of export goods of India were handwork production, clothing, simple machinery, leather, cotton yarn, tea-leaf, while the main types of import goods were petrochemicals and high-technological machinery. (Global Forum Official Website, 2005) Thus India suffered adverse balance trade deficit for 30 years, and even now India still doesnt have a full industrial system. China also has suffered the negative influence from the developing method of exporting simple productions although rarely has suffered adverse balance trade deficit. So we can see that actually developing countries are victims of this bad globe economic institution made by developed countries. However now developed countries blame the victims first and they believe that developing countries deserve to suffer poverty because they use this method to develop their international trade. What a ridiculous char ge! The second reason of the developing gap, of course is come from developed countries, is about the global warming. With the growth of this issue, who should be responsible for this issue also becomes an issue. Depending on their perfect relation or say international influence ability and rich sources on medias, developed countries owe the cause of global issue to developing countries, especially China and India, and believe that the environmental problems influencing development in developing countries should be responded by developing countries themselves. First some western experts write some articles to blame developing countries. In the article titled Population Growth and Global Warming, the author John Bongaarts gave such a theory to owe this to developing countries: because of the increase in population size and income per capita in developing countries, their energy consumption would exceed developed countries, and they would also increase the deforestation, which would be the new main reason of global warming. At the end of this article, the author owed responsibility to those MDCs, of course implying China and India. So what about the truth? According to report from World Bank, the carbon emission per person of China was 4.1 ton in 2009, which is one-fifth of U.S, and one-half on Britains (Economy Reference, 2009). Western experts blame that its no use to compare by the standard of carbon emission per person because Chinas total emission is the highest in the world, but actually they are tricking people again. Economy serves for everyone, and development includes the improvement of peoples lives, so carbon emission per person matters not only the total emission but also the healthy development, especially peoples lives. Now even peoples daily energy consumption in developed countries is much higher than in developing countries, even drying cloths needs machine, no need to say energy consumption for industries. So following developed countries suggestio n, the most of world population needs to bear low life level to let very few people in developed countries to enjoy the high energy consumption, in the long run. How virulent goal developed countries want to achieve can be seen. Developed countries also owe developing gap to the problems inside developing countries inside management, such as corruption and low efficiency. Yes, such problems do matters the developing gap the most. But developed countries play the same trick, called a thief calls Stop thief' in China, again at this point: even these actually should be responded by developed countries. According to experts Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinsons research, three truths responsible for the gap between former colonies and colonizers, and even different colonies, should be noticed: first, there are different types of institutions for different colonies, one is called Neo-Europes, which means the settlers tried to replicate European institutions on there, and the most successful former colony, United Stated appeared, now this former biggest benefited becomes the biggest ruler of the world, and another type of colony institution is called extractives states, of which main purpose was ju st to transfer as much of the resources of the colony to the colonizer, and thus colonies under this institution were of course victims, and those LDCs in current time all suffered such a institution before; second, the reason for such difference between colonies is that some colonies were comfortable for settlers to stay, such as U.S., and some were not, such as those LDCs; third, the colonial state and institutions persisted even after independence, so managing problems in some former colonies are still with the current LDCs now. (Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson, 2001) So how cheeky it is that some people say that developing countries should be responsible for their poverty by themselves because of their own inside problems. One thing need to be noticed is that while there are some justice experts in developed countries now are discovering these cruel truths, some Chinese now are helping developed countries to spread their ridicules explains about such problems. China also suffered invasion from outside and the negative influences from such invasion, so Chinese can never accept being cheated again by this kind of explains. If such dangerous trend develops, China will really pay new prices because this real inside problem, so just blaming developed countries becomes not useless, and the first solution is to eliminate such betrayers. Then we should summarize more experience about global competition, for example how to negotiate about prices of minerals. But we believe that things will turn to be better in the future.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Celies Transformation in Alice Walkers Color Purple Essay -- Color P

Celie's Transformation in The Color Purple      Ã‚  Ã‚   Celie is not a typical protagonist. In Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the main character Celie is an ugly, poor girl who is severely lacking in self-confidence. However, Celie transforms throughout the course of the novel and manages to realize herself as a colorful, beautiful, and proud human being. Celie becomes a powerful individual.    The Color Purple follows Celie's transformation from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. What is remarkable is the fact that this transformation does not merely compose the plot of the novel, it also dominates the layout of the pages. The book's chapters are not written in a typical fashion as each chapter is a letter written from Celie to God, Celie to her sister Nettie, or Nellie to Celie. Alice Walker utilized this method of storytelling to give the reader a very personal glimpse into Celie's mind and soul. The writer gets a feel for Celie through her writing style- she uses specific phrasing to express herself and, over time, her mechanical writing skills improve greatly. We see Celie's thought process as she makes decisions and then writes about them. This powerful narration is the main driving force behind the words.      Ã‚   If we analyse the story instead of the narrative perspective can we see that the main reason of Celie's insecurity is caused by the way she is treated by men. She is sexually abus... ...kling transforms into a beautiful swan.    Works Cited and Consulted:    Klosowski, John E. "The Color Purple and Its True Color." Houston Cronicle. December 14, 1995 : 42-44.    Smith, Pamela A. "Green Lap, Brown Embrace, Blue Body: The Ecospirituality of Alice Walker." April Cross Currents 2000 (1999): 18 p. Online. Internet. 30 Nov. 2001.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Available:    Walker, Alice.   The Color Purple. Washington. Pocket Books/Washington Square Press (1985). Winchell, Donna Haisty. Alice Walker. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. Notes: 1 Walker, Alice, The Color Purple (1982), p. 11 2 ibid, p. 38 3 ibid, p. 76 4 Walker (1982), p. 82