Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Culture Of Popular Culture Essay - 1920 Words

Popular culture is a term that holds various meanings depending on where it s being defined and the context of its use. It is usually recognized as the language or people’s culture that prevails in a society at a point in time. As social researcher Brummett explains in his book â€Å"Rhetorical Dimensions of Popular Culture†, pop culture reflects the characteristics of social life, where the publicly are most actively involved. Popular culture is known as the ‘culture of the people’. This culture is determined by the interactions between people within their daily activities, for instance, dressing styles, use of language, greeting rituals and the ways that people behave in public, etc. are all examples of popular culture. Popular culture is also diverted by the mass media (Abbott and Sapsford, 1987). Popular culture is generally believed to be comprised of a variety of elements. For example, popular culture covers the most contemporary and instant aspects of our lives. These aspects can often show the characteristics of rapid change, especially in today’s highly technological and informative world in which, people are highly influenced by the universal media. Certain standards of behaviour and common beliefs are reflected in pop culture. Because of its cohesion, pop culture both influences and reflects people’s daily life. Moreover, brands can reach iconic pop status. However, these aspects are not constant and may change rapidly. (Abbott and Sapsford, 1987). With these vitalShow MoreRelatedThe Culture Of Popular Culture860 Words   |  4 PagesStudying popular culture reveals the culture of society at the time. Further, popular culture reveals the underlying belief, power structures, and philosophical and moral frame of the society that produces those cultural products. 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