Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Content analysis Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Content investigation - Dissertation Example The efficient component implies the best possible methods ought to be followed in choosing an information test that gives an equivalent chance to every thing of the more extensive substance to be remembered for the investigation. At the same time, every thing viable ought to be dealt with the equivalent. In the interim, the target depiction implies that future scientists ought to have the option to use the results of the examination effectively in their investigation. At long last, the quantitative necessity implies the analyst should take incredible consideration in his/her answering to encourage further use of his/her examination, understanding and discoveries (Wimmer and Dominick, 1983). Content investigation is related with the center substance that, as clarified by Patterson (1984), alludes whatever is composed or stated, however not whatever is expressed between the lines. In this manner, the applied structure for the substance examination should join the accompanying component s: 1. Information as given to the scientist 2. Information setting 3. The information on the specialist develops his/her recognition , 4. The goal of the substance investigation 5. Understanding of the information as the prime scholarly errand 6. Legitimacy considered as the huge assessment factor (Krippendorff, 1980). Holding this viable, the structure of this examination will serve scientific, methodological and point of view purposes. So as to secure the point of view to help conceptualisation, it essential to introduce the structure of the reasonable substance examination for the two chose driving Saudi papers, Alriyadh and Alyoum, during the occasions that happened in Bahrain between February 14 and March 16, 2011. The system of this investigation is explanatory in that it helps the basic assessment of the discoveries of the substance examination as obtained through the researcher’s translation. Besides, the structure of this examination is additionally methodological, a s it controls the turn of events and the precise improvement of the substance investigation technique utilized in this investigation and talked about later. Thought of the definitions, the prerequisites of the substance investigation and the system introduced above gave a compelling technique for assessing the substance of Alriyadh and Alyoum, and gave unwavering quality and legitimacy to this examination. The proof, as per the system, for the use of the translation of the substance investigation is furnished with the assistance of information testing, classifications of the exploration and their estimation. This is talked about later in this section. For deciphering the inductions and errands of the Krippendorff model precisely, it is essential to consider the setting of the information accessible. Accordingly, the goal here is the thing that the specialist needs to research (Krippendorff, 1980). For example, in this investigation, a questionable target may be the political treatme nt of the issue in Bahrain by the Saudi Arabian government, or all the more explicitly, the connection between the Saudi Arabian government and the Bahrain and Saudi pressâ€particularly Alriyadh and Alyoumâ€at the hour of the Bahrain fights. 1.2. Information Sampling The information test for the substance investigation of the printed press in Saudi Arabia has been separated from the two driving day by day papers, Alriyadh and Alyoum. These have been chosen due to their huge flow and land scattering. Alriyadh is appropriated in the capital city of Riyadh, which is likewise the political center point of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Charlie Sheen and Voyeurism free essay sample
In the wake of perusing Charlie Sheen and Voyeurism by Mark Goulston, I understood what sort of world we live in today. We experience a daily reality such that depends on TV and make suppositions and ways of life from the things broadcast. Imprint Goulston makes reference to, that individuals acknowledge how conventional their own lives are, and thusly they have an inclination follow the life of others, by tailing them in TV shows and informal communities. This voyeurism has become a notable marvel that depicts the manner in which individuals live their lives today. Imprint Goulston specifies that individuals have a long for understanding, and in view of our commonplace lives, we look for fulfillment in TV programs. This appetite is the one making us watch sports, go out to see the films and to become bolted to â€Å"American Idol†and â€Å"Dancing With the Stars†. He calls these individuals we follow Charlie Sheens, Lindsay Lohans ect. since all big names make them thing in like manner, they live with max throttle and there is continually something new and energizing occurring in their lives. We will compose a custom exposition test on Charlie Sheen and Voyeurism or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I feel that TV has gone to a point where it can’t figure out how to make programs any more muddled than watching individuals live their adaptation of a standard life. This will in the long run become an issue, which affects both society, and the way that the cutting edge will grow up. They will grow up distinguishing themselves with individuals like the ones taking an interest in TV shows, for example, Jersey Shore. They will consider sex to be drinking as a piece of regular day to day existence, and they will accept that notoriety through this sort of TV, is the route to an effective life. Imprint Goulston additionally makes reference to, that â€Å"introjective identification†is a procedure, used to portray the way that individuals see themselves living through someone’s life. This discloses to us that we are as of now during the time spent giving individuals an inappropriate good examples, who they live their own lives through. â€Å"Introjective identification†was initially used to portray a positive method of carrying on with your life through figures like Jesus to God, yet it has now developed into an articulation, which is additionally utilized in negative circumstances like referenced previously. I can identify with the interest of following renowned individuals myself. I discover it completely interesting to follow the American big names on medias like Instagram and Facebook. I even get envious of their marvelous lives now and again. It appears as though a portion of these big names live in a world without any concerns. They get what they need and they have an interminable measure of cash that I could slaughter to possess myself. Unexpectedly, a portion of these popular individuals like Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan express some totally various things. They cause all of us to feel great about ourselves and the manner in which we carry on with our own life. We can watch them flop in life by taking medications, drinking a lot of liquor and going to jail for carrying on. Not very far in the past I found out about on-screen character Amanda Bynes carrying on in broad daylight and later heading off to a psychological emergency clinic. Despite the fact that it really is a very awful story, we despite everything want to follow the report about her, since this shows us, that her life isn’t as ordinary as our own. Presently, months after she was discovered acting â€Å"crazy†, she is still in the raised in the news. What is so exceptional about her? Many individuals carry on simply the manner in which she does, however on the grounds that they aren’t popular, they dont get the opportunity to be on the first page of the sensationalist newspapers consistently week. One of Mark Goulston’s explanations that I wouldnt very concur with, is that he thinks about our dependence on follow the VIPs, to the fixation that a portion of these acclaimed individuals need to drugs. I feel that our fixation is an issue, yet he is taking it to a totally extraordinary level where he says, that our dependence is as unfortunate and perilous as taking medications. I truly don’t accept that you can even contrast these with things to one another. Taking medications has the result of executing us sooner or later, yet following VIPs don’t. Very few individuals will see famous people take medications, and afterward end up doing it an hour later. If so, at that point we are managing a major issue that goes past the ordinary results of following celebrated individuals. To be perfectly honest, if this occurs, we are managing individuals who are intellectually unsteady. All things considered I don’t imagine that we can keep these addictions from occurring, so we should simply continue following the most recent news on what Kim Kardashian wears on her night out. When these projects don’t assume control over the breaking news on CNN, at that point I believe that we despite everything get an opportunity to change some different things in our lives, which can keep us from being totally inundated by the most recent tattle. I for one love to follow big names, yet I have bunches of different things in my live that I acknowledge more. It will inevitably turn into a more serious issue than it is presently, however as long as we despite everything can identify with this present reality, at that point I am certain we will figure out how to adapt to this issue.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Guideline in Filing Documents
Guideline in Filing Documents Guideline in Filing Documents Home›Descriptive Posts›Guideline in Filing Documents Descriptive PostsFiling is the orderly arrangement of documents using a predetermined system for safe keeping and easy access whenever they need to be used (Mann, 2006). It is important to have all related documents filed together for exhaustive analysis whenever required, for instance, when one files documents relating to an employee, the cover file should contain the names and department of the employee. Further, for a group of files with employee details, they should have the same color. In a big organization, departmental difference should be handled by using different shelves or safes that are well labeled (Phelps, Fisher Ellis, 2007). The other categories of file names should be given various colors for easy differentiation. This implies that, if employee files are Blue in color, financial files relating to the company can be GreenThe next step is the Archiving which involves placing the fi les in the safe, drawers or shelves. There are five various options of organizing the files;CategoryThis is same as the color grouping. Different subjects and categories are separated and placed in folders of different colors. They are then placed in different well labeled drawers, shelves or safes, for easy identification. This means that in a specific shelf section, there will be the same color of files next to each other.Alphabetical orderThis is when files of different colors or the same color are arranged by their alphabetical order of the file subjects. If it is done for the different categories (with same color or not) then Finance will come before Human resources, and marketing will come after the two. If the same is done for the same category like in Human Resources, Charles will come before James and Mary should come last.Numerical and alpha-numeric orderThe use of numbers is considered which mostly includes dates, years, and various representative codes pre set. When code s are used, sometimes it is important to use some letters of the alphabet to qualify them for easier retrieval or arrangement on the shelves. An application of the system in human resources would be employees recruited during the same year have their files labeled so and grouped together (Mann, 2006). The organization can also give codes for various categories mixed with letters for identification, for instance, Two files in the Human Resources Department would be labeled as; HR-001/P for permanent employees and HR-002/N for casual and contractual workers.Geographical orderThis involves separating files by the physical location of the area they represent and common for organizations with various branches.Chronological orderThe files are labeled and separated in the order of the first one and those which come after placed next, preferably by dates.Proper filing makes the office look clean and neat. It further makes the work of placing and retrieving files enjoyable because minimum ti me is taken to locate file location. A register should be put in place to monitor which files are borrowed by someone, when and expected time of return.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Obsession with Body Image Among Adolescents - 1789 Words
As each year passes, it is becoming more and more difficult to be an adolescent. Many problems are beginning to arise for teens. Such problems include trying to deal with societal pressures to handling the stresses in life. Without the proper guidance and information, it is easy for the adolescent to veer in the wrong direction. The negative outcomes may include low self-esteem to resorting to eating disorders. Body image is also very important among teens these days. The pressure of trying to attain the â€Å"ideal†image is detrimental to some. Body image is commonly defined as â€Å"the degree of satisfaction with one’s current physical selfâ€â€size, shape, or physical appearance†(Jones, 2001, p.1). Many studies have shown that†¦show more content†¦Another eating disorder that is common among adolescents is bulimia nervosa. According to Stà ¶ppler (2008), bulimia nervosa is characterized by episodes of secretive excessive eating, also kn own as bingeing, followed by methods of weight control such as self-induced vomiting (purging), abuse of laxatives and diuretics, or excessive exercise. Bulimia is also a psychological disorder, and the cycle of overeating and purging can quickly become and obsession similar to an addiction to drugs or other substances (Stà ¶ppler, 2008). Binge eating is usually not triggered by intense hunger from the individual, but more or so as a response to depression, stress, or other feelings related to body weight, shape, or food (Stà ¶ppler, 2008). Stà ¶ppler states that oftentimes the individual will feel a loss of control during the binge eating and the purging becomes a way to regain that loss of control (2008). According to Stà ¶ppler, a person diagnosed as bulimic must have all of that disorders specific symptoms (2008). For a person to be classified as bulimic he or she must have all of the following symptoms: recurrent episodes of binge eating in which a minimum average of t wo binge-eating episodes a week for at least three months, a feeling of lack of control over eating during the binges, persistent concern of being overweight, and a regular use of one or more of the following to prevent weight gain (self induced vomiting, use ofShow MoreRelatedDo Teenagers Place Too Much Importance On Their Appearance?1175 Words  | 5 Pagesto feel highly stressed. This is when teens look at themselves in the mirror and doubt their appearance, thinking their body is not good enough. But then we wonder, â€Å"Do teenagers place too much importance on their appearance?†The main reason of large amount of importance on appearance for teens revolves around their self-esteem. It is estimated that up to a half of adolescents will struggle with low self-esteem, many of these occurrences during the early teen years (ACT for Youth Upstate CenterRead MoreWeight Obsession Affects Millions Of Teenagers Today1179 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Weight obsession affects millions of teenagers today, especially girls. At any given time, one out of every seven women has or is struggling with an eating disorder. One study a few years ago found that 36% of adolescent girls believed they were overweight while 59% were trying to lose weight (Eating Disorders in Teens, n.d.). Up to 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder) in the United StatesRead MoreThe Male Struggle with Body Image1583 Words  | 7 Pages people tend to focus a lot on females and the problems they have concerning their body image based on popular culture, stereotypes, and other generalizations of how a woman â€Å"should look.†What we do not realize however is that males struggle with their body image as much as females do and are often not recognized in their fight to meet the expectations of society. Males struggle with all kinds of eating and body disorders just as females do and the expectations pushed on them by the media, womenRead MoreEffects Of Anorexia Nervosa On Adolescents958 Words  | 4 Pagescan occur from this obsession with maintaining the ideal weight and demanding to be thin. 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Eating disorders aren’t just going on a diet and losing a few pounds, it’s an illness. Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. A solutionRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa And Its Effects On Society1514 Words  | 7 PagesMillions of people are currently suffering from Anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which people suffering drastically restrict food intake due to an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image. There has been an unfortunate increase in people suffering from Anorexia Nervosa over the past several decades. Anorexia can be caused by a combination of social, interpersonal, and psychological factors that must be resolved through treatment. Anorexia is an e xtremely dangerousRead MoreDyig to Be Thin1453 Words  | 6 Pagesregarding ideal body weight?  What other attitudes exist about weight? When watching the video, I realized that anorexics don’t want to eat. They don’t feel hungry; they don’t think that they are destroying themselves. When they look at themselves, they see themselves as fat and overweight. To try and fit the image of what they think they should look like becomes an obsession. This eventually leads the large percentages of weight loss. Most anorexics, it seems, ideal body weight was 15 toRead MoreCosmetic Surgery Is Becoming An Acceptable Solution For Beauty987 Words  | 4 Pagessurgeries because the obsession with beautiful body image, social criticism because being ugly, and addicted to elective plastic surgery. Many people have misunderstood about cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are the same in one. Technically, cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are closely related specialties, but they are not the same. According to the article Cosmetic Surgery Vs. Plastic Surgery, â€Å"While both cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery deal with improving a patient’s body, the overarching
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Impact that Physical Education Can Have on Encouraging...
One of the definitions of Physical Education is; ‘regular instruction in physical exercise and games in schools and other institutions’ (Oxford English Dictionary). It is compulsory in the UK for every child up to the age of 16. Physical Education has been adapted immensely to fit the needs of young people and is still continuing to change. There are an increasing number of young people leading sedentary lifestyles by watching television instead of doing physical activity (British Heart Foundation, 2012). In this essay, ideas have been challenged and there is a distinct argument about the impact that PE can have on encouraging young people to engage in physical activity. Physical Education teaches life skills which can be adopted to†¦show more content†¦From 1992 until 2008, the different forms of the National Curriculum for Physical Education have been focused around the notion of Sport and Performance. There was a strong emphasis on competition and finding elite performers which may not be an ideal approach. Many children dislike the competitive element of sport and would rather take part for personal or social reasons. This wouldn’t encourage young people to sustain physical activity levels as they may not want to compete and have only seen physical activity in a competitive light. In 2008, the new National Curriculum was launched and its priority was given to health and physical activity rather than sport. This reduced the amount of competitive elements and made it more about taking part. Some would say that the 4th NCPE was seen as successful as in 2007, 17% of boys and 16% of girls aged 2-15 were classified as obese and this dec reased as in 2009, 16% of boys and 15% of girls aged 2-15 were seen as obese (Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet - England, 2009 and 2011). This slight decrease could be down to the change in the type of activities offered in school although it may not be the only factor. Giving young people the opportunity to set personal goals rather than basing everything around competition would promote life-long participation in physical activity as they will get a sense of achievement from completing that specific goal. However, this focus on health andShow MoreRelatedPreventing Teen Substance Abuse Within Rural Areas1205 Words  | 5 Pagesprograms and activities provide a healthy outlet for these potentially troubled teens and are a necessary facet of any environment. There is a direct correlation between lack of community supported recreation and teen drug abuse; by developing an array of activities and support systems in rural areas it is possible to decrease the likeliho od that adolescents will use substances, unfortunately introducing programs into rural areas comes with many challenges. Rural American towns often times have an olderRead MoreSop Essay Examples824 Words  | 4 Pagescommercial, artistic and socially engaged projects with clients in social, cultural, educational and health sectors. Increasing visibility and recognition of these organisations within public and professional bodies and the ‘media.’ Since 2006 I have had opportunities to develop practical and academic experience as a visiting lecturer with universities, colleges and schools. Working with academic researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Arts London, Goldsmiths andRead MoreThe Failure Of The Trump Wall. . . . . By. Christian Cisneros.1396 Words  | 6 Pageswants to create will be detrimental to the environment, cost a lot of money resources, and may not be effective against the immigration problem. I. Introduction A. Intention to build wall B. Current fence 1. Needs to be updated 2. Can put up more fencing C. Thesis Statement II. Cost of the Wall and Resources A. Mexico won’t pay B. Rules/Regulations 1. Gains a. Social b. Psychological Read MoreThe Failure Of The Trump Wall1500 Words  | 6 Pageswall B. Current fence 1. Needs to be updated 2. Can put up more fencing C. Thesis Statement II. Cost of the Wall and Resources A. Cost 1. Trump estimated $8-12 billion 2. Others estimate $27-40 billion B. Materials 1. Lots of Concrete 2. Lots of Men needed to patrol III. Environmental Impacts A. Increase in CO2 1. Concrete releases CO2 2. 1.9 million metric tons of CO2 released from wall B. If build in river, it will disrupt flow C. Can cause flooding D. Will hurt wildlife 1. WillRead MoreAbstinence Should Not Teach Students Safe Sex Practices1441 Words  | 6 PagesWhen people of today’s world turn on the television, it is easy to see why modesty is out the window. A good portion of the television shows aired have sexualized content, from sexual innuendos in jokes to portraying characters in the act. With this being a known fact, there is no doubt that sex education is important. However, schools are teaching more on the abstinence spectrum. Preaching abstinence does not teach students safe-sex practices or a clear understanding of contraception. Abstinence-onlyRead MoreSex Education Are Essential For Teens1479 Words  | 6 PagesSex Education is a controversial but extremely important topic. Yet, we are doing very little to address it. Teaching sex education in schools are essential for teens to help build a strong foundation of sexual health. Although sex education must begin at home, some parents feel uncomfortable talking about the to pic with their children and they believe teaching their children about sex can end up encouraging them to engage in sexual intercourse. 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When students feel isolated or stigmatized by their school environment, their confidence and self-determination levels can be negatively impacted, thereby, diminishing academic progress. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has established procedures for the placement of studentsRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Children1643 Words  | 7 Pagesyear (Tran, Ohinmaa, Kuhle, Johnson, Veugelers, 2014). Obesity impacts individual’s ability to participate in and contribute to society fully due to the psychological and physical consequences, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancers (Tran et al., 2014). Risk factors for obesity include poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle (Tran et al., 2014). In an Alberta based study looking at the impact of school-based programming in preventing childhood obesity, TranRead MoreThe Dietary Guidelines State That Adolescents Should Aim1530 Words  | 7 PagesAdolescents is a critical period of growth and development therefore good nutrition is essential. Every adolescent grows and develops at different rates and the can be a reason why unrealistic expectations develop . The Australian Dietary Guidelines state that adolescents should aim to: – Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods such as: o Vegetables of different types and colours, and legumes/beans o Fruit o Grain foods, mostly whole grain and high cereal fibre varieties o Lean meat and poultry
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL) Free Essays
INTRODUCTION In today’s world business environment became very competitive the companies of being successful in the market they are dealing with more different resources for satisfy the customer needs. In recent years the competitive global market has a big influence in growing for external business for raising the logistics companies, this is kind of developing a competitive advantage to their competitors. One of the key and strategic elements to be more successful is the outsourcing the logistics or transportations to the Third Party Logistics (3PL) provider. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL) or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the (Knemeyer and Murphy 2004) Third Party Logistic (3PL) companies could be called as logistics outsourcing or agreement logistics. In the other words (3PL) Third party logistics provider is an employing an external company for the warehousing, transportation, inventory management and other value added activities for customer services. Third party logistics provide to the organizations competitive advantage for increasing the importance of improving their performance of delivering services to the customers in logistics activities. Many companies for creation their supply chain to be more efficiently they are outsourcing their logistics activities to Third Party Logistics (3PL) provider. â€Å"Also the time based competition is on the products that could be manufactured and delivered to the customer by the driven speed as a technological grown-up become more movable toward the firms and countries, organizations might be achieve technological equivalence on the various ways of products†(Abdullatif and Azri 2009). Furthermore, the organizations make an efficient decision in whole supply chain to outsource their logistics operations to the Third Party Logistics (3PL), that decision makes company to focus in their main business activities. This also provides to the organizations to managing much better parts of the entire supply chain. Overview of 3PL Between years 1970’s and 1980’s is recognized as the first generation of third party logistics of providing services for example transportation, shipping, but between 1980-1990 were asset or non-asset based organizations by increasing the service levels of contribution and third generation is between years 2000 – until now were generally based on increasing the supply chain integration. A Third Party Logistics providers (3PL), can be identified as first, second and third service providers. First party provider is the main company that provides the service or product, the second is to whom receives the service it is the consumer and the third is the company which hired by the main company for provide the service between costumers and company (Forrest et al., 2008). Advantages of 3PL At the beginning the primary advantage of outsourcing logistics activities to a Third Party Logistics (3PL) is focusing on core activities of the business. This means the core activities is much more important than logistics due to the companies have to create on value added activities for making much better revenue, the logistics operations is a beyond activity for each company in delivering the service to the customer. In the other words, the companies have to give the focusing in their main working areas and so, they do not willing to be busy about the logistics activities they believe to outsource their logistics activities to one of the best LSP’s. This is an improvement and contribution to the quality of service levels in overall performance in the company’s core activities. Another case is the company they are not able of having its own logistics activities because of the potential financial conditions logistics activities such transportation, warehousing are not able of managing them. Then deciding on getting better transportation solution, more cost effective, better services, professional’s equipment in transportation. Maybe help of reduction the carrying costs, loss in selling orders and are able to help to the company of moving more merchandise with less assets during delivering service to the customers. Some companies has an expectation from 3PL to improve their performance in the inventory reduction, availability of the capacity and less customer complaints by improving order accuracy. Also if the company is need the 3PL for better performance in the supply chain they should have well past data system. However, the company who is going to hiring a 3PL, the company has employees this is the biggest cost of hiring employees for every company, by providing the logistics services this is one of the important benefit is the reduction in the number of labours by outsource the logistics activities. Additionally, the flexibility is the other important factor of outsourcing logistics operations. Flexibility is one of the main strategic competitive market element, about the changing the market conditions very frequently, in those cases the company should be responsive to those unexpected changes, the company could not be responsive to those changes they choosing the way of outsourcing logistics activities to LSP’s. For example: If any company has customers in different part of countryside for delivering goods to it’s customers by hiring a Third Party Logistics it would more efficient by delivery them. They can have sufficient equipment and could provide reasonable solutions to them if the demand is low or high because of their storage and delivery performance this help to the company of saving time and costs. Furthermore, logistics activities in some cases become too much costly, the budget of the company is not sufficient for finance it so, they accept of giving those activities to be outsourced. Also may have as an object of making achievements in environmental issues the Third Party Providers have the capability to optimize a distribution networks and the most costless routes, reduction in carbon emission and control technology to rationalize the inventory to develop the trucks performance. Disadvantages of 3PL Although there are also disadvantages in hiring Third Party Logistics provider in the selection of the outsourcing at the beginning, it is difficult to realize if it is reliable and cost-effective between the company and the Third Party Logistics provider. Every firm has to pay great attention at the selection of their Third Party Logistics partner; they have really to check if they are able to provide a better service to them. The biggest mistakes have been made because of the insufficient financial position, the companies cannot select the reliable outsourcing providers. It is not easy for identifying the Third Service Provider (3PL) if it is suitable or not, it a complex period. However, to solve this problem are required to clarify the ability of service provider. There are several procedures such as transaction costs, organize a system for maintain their reliability to work together with them if they could be choosing as logistics providers. Information sharing and apparent risk sharing between the parties is always required. Concerning information sharing, it is needless to say that smoother information exchange will result in a more efficient logistics activity. However, related costs may increase if some information essential to the firm would leak. Therefore, the commitment of each party in information sharing is required, and a scheme to ensure these commitments has to be prepared. However, this would also involve additional transaction costs. Constructing a risk sharing scheme between the firm and the 3PL provider is critical in establishing reliable partnerships. Some of the risks involved in using 3PL are demand risk, inventory risk, and financial risk, among others. The questions are on who will take these risks, and how to compensate the risk holders. â€Å"Gain sharing†is a popular example of a rewarding scheme in which the 3PL provider holds part of the risks, and then is given incentives based on the increase of the firm’s profit. This risk-sharing method is apparently some sort of a division of work between the firm and the 3PL provider. Establishing good risk sharing also involves transaction costs, although the associated costs can be reduced through the cumulative experiences and IT development. Another disadvantage of outsourcing the logistics activities is that the company doing the outsourcing loses control over the finished goods once they are transferred to the warehouse location. What this means is that although the 3PL company may have a computerized inventory system to which you have access, you lack the ability to perform a physical count in the event of a discrepancy. You also lack the ability to confirm shipping dates to your customers or promise quick shipment for orders that were short shipped or not delivered at all. REFERANCES Knemeyer, A. M., and Murphy, P. R. (2004). Evaluating the Performance of Third-Party Logistics Arrangements: A Relationship Marketing Perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management: A Global Review of Purchasing Supply, 40(1), 35-51. Aktas, E., Ulengin, F., (2005). Outsourcing logistics activities in Turkey: Journal of Enterprise Information Management 18, (3), pp. 316 AbdulLatif, S., Azri, D.(2009).Third Party Logistics Service Providers and Logistics Outsourcing in Malaysia The Business Review, 13 (1), pp. 265 Forrest B., Will T., Stephanie R., Ashwini N., Eric W., (2008), A Practitioner’s Perspective On The Role Of A Third-Party Logistics Provider: Journal of Business Economics Research 6, (6), pp. 9 How to cite Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL), Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Article Analysis for Organizational and Citizenship Behavior
Question: Discuss about theArticle Analysis for Organizational and Citizenship Behavior. Answer: Article: Are committed employees more likely to exhibit innovative behaviour: a social exchange perspective. This paper looks at organizational aspects and workplace relations, which can be, used in developing commitment and enabling a setting that enhances the innovative behavior of nurses who are working within the Australian health care system. It also provides an insight into the link between different factors and their influence on enabling employees to have organizational commitment and innovative behavior (Brunetto Xerri 2013). The Australian healthcare system is being affected by a shortage of nurses. Nurses are leaving the profession due to different issues and there is a problem of retention across a number of Australian hospitals. Many wards in the public and private healthcare institutions are being forced into closure due to the shortage of nurses. It is therefore in the best interest of healthcare organizations to delve into the issues that affect nurses such that they cannot maintain their commitment. When effective relationships in the work place are made, the organization gets a number of benefits as successful relations amongst staff at different levels in the organization results in sharing of information and trust hence making employees feel empowered and they also embrace accountability (Brunetto Xerri 2013).This enables them to perform their roles in an efficient and effective manner. The paper hypothesizes as follows: There is a relationship between organizational factors on work related outcomes and innovative behavior of nurses working within Australian healthcare. There are similarities in behaviour in relation to organizational factors and outcomes that are work related for public and private sector nurses in Australia. The authors provide an insight into how hospitals are able to enhance efficiency of nurses. They conclude that relationships which are social can be used to improve the innovative actions of nurses. Hospitals must therefore ensure that nurses are attached emotionally to healthcare institutions and that they have enough social relationships in the workplace that will enable them to get knowledge, information and resources that will support the innovative process (Brunetto Xerri 2013). References Brunetto, Y. and Xerri, M.J, 2013. Fostering innovative behaviour: The importance of employee commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(16), pp.3163-3177.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Statistics for Business Essay Example
Statistics for Business Essay Does asymptotic mean that the normal curve gets closer and closer to the X-axis but never actually touches it? Yes, asymptotic means that the curve of a line will approach 0 (the x-axis), but it will not touch 0 and instead will extend to infinity. In this class, this applies to the normal continuous distribution and is one of the 4 key characteristics of a normal continuous distribution that our text book discusses. This means that the curve of the line will extend infinitely in both the negative and positive direction in exact mirror image patterns on either side of the mean. For a normal probability distribution, is about 95 percent of the area under normal curve within plus and minus two standard deviations of the mean and practically all (99. 73 percent) of the area under the normal curve is within three standard deviations of the mean? Yes. According to the Empirical Rule: -68% of the area under the curve is within +/- 1 standard deviation of the mean -95% of the area under the curve is within +/- 2 standard deviations of the mean -Virtually all, 99. % of the area under the curve is within +/- 3 standard deviations of the mean Is a z-score the distance between a selected value (X) and the population mean (u) divided by the population standard deviation(s)? Yes. We use z-scores to change normal probability distributions into standard normal probability distributions, which are unique because they have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. To convert to a standard normal probability distribution we must find the z-scores for each observation. We will write a custom essay sample on Statistics for Business specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Statistics for Business specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Statistics for Business specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer These are found by subtracting the mean value from the selected value and dividing by the standard deviation. The Normal Probability Distribution Find an example of application of probability theory in your workplace or business. Show that the reasons that your workplace uses probability analysis, such as probability of risk calculations or percent defects or percent for pass or fail of a product, etc. In my company, I do groundwater sampling for remediation projects. When we are finished, we send our samples to a laboratory via FedEx or UPS. The laboratory reports that approximately 2 bottles are broken in every cooler shipped, regardless of how well they are packed. To perform sample analysis, the laboratory needs 1-500 ml bottle of groundwater, and 1-50ml vial of water to perform all of the tests for each well. When we take samples we collect 3-500ml bottles and 3-50 ml vials of groundwater per well because we know that on average two bottles will break per shipment. The bottles that break could be from 2 different wells, or 2 different sized bottles, or they could be two identical sized bottles from the same well. By collecting extra samples, we ensure that we are sending the lab enough samples to accurately perform analysis, and we are ensuring that we don’t have to go back into the field and spend thousands of extra dollars to re-collect samples. What are some of characteristics of a Normal Probability Distribution? According to our text (pg 223), all normal probability distributions have these characteristics: 1. The are bell-shaped and the mean, median, and mode are equal and located in the centre of the distribution. 2. The total area under the curve = 1. 00 with ? f this located to the right of the peak(mean) and ? located to the left of the peak (mean). 3. The distribution curve is symmetrical around the peak (mean) and therefore there are two identical halves of the curve, centred around the mean. 4. The curve approaches the x-axis, but never actually touches it. (i. e. , it is asymptotic) 5. The location is determined by the mean and the dispersion is determined by the standard deviation. Non-stop Airlines determined that the mean number of passengers per flight is 152 with a standard deviation of ten passengers. Practically do all flights have between 142 and 162 passengers? According to the Empirical rule, 142 -162 passengers would fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean (i. e. , 68% of the area under the curve) If we wanted to know how many passengers were on practically/virtually all flights, we would have to apply the Empirical Rule for 3 standard deviations from the mean. This would account for 99. 7% of the area under the curve. According to this theory, virtually all flights would have between 122 – 182 passengers. Is the total area within any continuous probability distribution equal to 1. 00? Yes. If we are a talking about uniform probability distributions (rectangles), the area must equal 1. We can find this using Area = basexheight or (b-a/1) x (1/b-a). Using this equation, both fractions will ‘cancel out’ to give you a value of 1. 00. If we are talking about normal probability distributions, they are bell-shaped with a single peak at the distribution centre and therefore, they are symmetrical about the mean. This means that the two halves of the curve are identical and they both have values of 0. 5 (0. 5 to the left of the mean and 0. 5 to the right of the mean). Is the uniform probability distributions standard deviation proportional to the distributions range? Yes. The equation for standard deviation for a uniform probability distribution is = SQRT [ (b-a)^2/12]. A range is the difference between the max and min values for a distribution (b-a). Therefore, the range of the distribution directly impacts the standard deviation as it is a part of the equation. The larger the range, the larger the standard deviation of a uniform distribution and the smaller the range, the smaller the standard deviation of a uniform distribution. About what percent of the area under the normal curve is within one standard deviation of the mean? According to the Empirical Rule, approximately 68% of the area under the curve, for a normal distribution, is within +/- one standard deviation of the mean. (u +/- 1sd)
Friday, March 6, 2020
Drugs and the internet essays
Drugs and the internet essays Does the U.S. government have the authority to censor or ban sites that advocate illegal drug use? Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation has had its own personality; its own new fad to inspire a whole new group of children and young adults, and to drive the elders crazy. The twenties had the Charleston, the fifties sported huge neon blue and pink finned automobiles. The sixties invented the hippie craze, and the seventies inspired the world with the magically funkadelic sounds of disco. The eighties were unfortunate enough to grace us with glam rock, big hair, and pastels. Nearly any member of the youth of the nineties surely would say that one of the most influential developments this decade is the Internet. The Internet has given everyone, regardless of age, access to never before imagined volumes of knowledge. Undoubtedly, if someone had the time to search, they could find anything they needed. Pornography, car racing, multi-player games, chat rooms, and shopping malls are just a finite portion of the content of the Internet. While some content is certainly beneficial to todays Internet society, a large portion condones, encourages, and develops negative contributions to everyday life. One such issue, the avocation of illegal drug use through websites, Usenet, email, and countless other media plagues our society, especially the impressionable youth. The encouragement of drug use, and avocation of different methods of drug use enhancement is certainly harmful to society; the real question at hand is whether the U.S. government, or any institution for that matter, has an ethical authority to censor, regulate, maintain, or altogether ban sites that advocate illegal drug use. With a simple search on the Netscape version of the Excite search engine, one can find a veritable gold mine of information on illegal drug use. Illegal drug use, in fact, seems to be the only major topic of i...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Supporting new business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Supporting new business - Essay Example Identification of your competitors - Is there any product, similar to your product, available in the market If yes, how different would be your product from them Why will they buy your product when they are using pre-existing products To answer your potential customers, you will have to perform a gap analysis between your product and those available in the market and highlight the key features of your product that will be beneficial to them. In nut shell, prepare plans for beating the competition. Identification of sales channel for the product - Are you planning for direct sale Are you planning to sale it through the dealers or online on the internet How will the product be delivered to the customers Estimation of the underlying infrastructure needed to support your business - What kind of machinery will be required for the production How many people will be needed to manufacture your product Do you require human resources for any other function of the business One needs money to start a business and to run every function of the business. Where will the required financial support come from You need to assess your financial capacity against what your business needs and fill this gap by arranging for the additional money. Identification of the source of funding - Do you have enough money to support your business If not, who will... Correct estimation of sales and market potential for your product will help you in making a realistic financial plan than simply relying on assumptions. Business Plan: Inputs from market research will enable you making of systematic business plan. Through business plan, entrepreneur will focus on strategies for running the business. Some of the key tasks of a business plan are: Identify the location of the business - How big should be the premises Will it be easily accessible by the targeted customers Is it affordable Identification of sales channel for the product - Are you planning for direct sale Are you planning to sale it through the dealers or online on the internet How will the product be delivered to the customers Estimation of the underlying infrastructure needed to support your business - What kind of machinery will be required for the production How many people will be needed to manufacture your product Do you require human resources for any other function of the business Identification of sales and promotion strategy - How will you promote your products in the market How will you make targeted customers aware of your product Analysis of the possible risk/threats to the new business - Identify, in what ways your business may fail Think about the mitigation plans to tackle those failure modes Financial Investment and Planning: One needs money to start a business and to run every function of the business. Where will the required financial support come from You need to assess your financial capacity against what your business needs and fill this gap by arranging for the additional money. Financial planning refers to: Identification of the source of funding - Do you have enough money to support your business If not,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data Essay - 1
Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data - Essay Example Additionally, the policies, contracts and standards illustrated in this policy affects the entire BIDMC staff, provisional staff, autonomous contractors, representatives, as well as additional IT clients, anywhere could be positioned across the corporation (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). In addition, one of very important features of the BIDMC security and privacy policy is to improve and optimally augment the overall working and operational security of the corporate confidential/ownership data and details. Additionally, this policy encompasses clear guidelines for proper establishment of information security management and privacy protection (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Afterward there are some improvised strategies for the overall protection and management of the prohibited activities at the workplace. Additionally, there is a proper code of ethics that needs to be followed for the better management of the privacy all through the organization (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Moreover, the BIDMC’s security and privacy policy ensures the denial of big sized file sharing over the business network.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Current business situation of H and M
Current business situation of H and M Hennes and Maurits was founded in first 1947 by Erling Persson and later acquired Mauritz Widfoss in 1968. It is a Stockholm- based fashion company. After the business success at home, in 1964, Hennes launched its first overseas store in Norway, and 3 years later HM entered the UK market and started her expansion strategies. By the mean time, HM has more than 1600 stores in 32 countries and had become the 3rd largest clothing retailer in the world. Hennes Mauritz (HM), the probably most legendary fashion retailing firm in recent years, has spared out branches all over the world. In Europe, North America, Asia and even Middle East you can find HMs stores. After achieved successful sales goal and fame, HM has entered a very challenging market, Japan, by launching its first shop in Ginza, Tokyo. Although at the beginning HM has seemed to get great response and do a good work, Japan has long been struggled with economic recession and continues sales drop. Could HM keep its unbeatable records in Japan? The followings should analyse and recommend the retail strategies in Japan market HM should take. Fashion and Quality at the best price is the model of hers. HM produces Women, men, youngster and children wear. Besides garments, HM also has its own line in accessories, footwear and cosmetics. The King of Fast Fashion has its own production offices in Asia and Europe in order to keep the price down. Business situation is always critical for a companys success or failure. Both the global situation and Japans market, there are factors that favor or discourage business sales. In the global level, the mode of fashion retailing has been changing in recent years. Firstly, the influences of new brand or store chain are growing in the international market. For examples, store chains like Zara and Gap, they make hugh profits and arouse publicity in international level. They gained reputations and captured high percentage of market shares. Despite the past fashion industry that mostly the high fashion retailers could gain their influences, nowadays chain stores that sell street fashion for middle or lower classes can get their plaes in the fashion market. And it shows different fashion firms can gain market shares and impacts in the fashion industry. Secondly, the changed life style of the customers of the fashion companies also gives opportunities. Nowadays fast fashion is prevailing and people are getting more conscious and paying more attention to fashion. The market for fashion industry is growing. More important is that customers want fashionable items with lower price rather than expensive high couture, as they would like to change their wardrobe less than one month. That is why fast fashion is getting popular. Thirdly, e-market is one of the fields that fashion retailing firms paying affords in. The sale in e-market is growing, as the sales in internet has no geographic boundaries. Also internet is a good media to promote its company and products. On the other hand, business of fashion companies also faces a very serious problem economic tsunami. The economics tsunami affects customers confidence in buying and purchasing. Also customers tend to save rather than spend. The sales volume of many firms dropped significantly within 1 or few months. More than that, the sales volume predicted to drop continuously in next 1 or few years. Facing the economic difficulties and negative information about the markets future, it further discourages the customers buying behavior also the business sales. In Japan, the business situation is beginning described as challenging and advent HM. Japan is a fashion capital in Asia and even the world. People especially youngster group paid much attention in trends and fashion. They tend to spend much on clothing and other relatives item to fashion. Due to the great fashion awareness, fashion firms and chains can get ideal sales in Japan usually. Besides, Japan is the model and trends for the neighboring in countries, for example Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. Success in Japan means easier entry into the markets in these Asian markets. Moreover, statistics show that the mens wear market in Japan is great. In the past years, mens wear sales were comparable with womens wear. In 2007, mens wear sales were over the sales of womens wear. It shows that the mens wear market is in great potential for firms to enter and provides great opportunities. Although Japan seems ideal for fashion companies to get in, therere also shortcomings of Japan market. Japan faces economic downturns in recent years. In the past 10 years were the recessions of Japans economy. The sales volumes dropped and market for clothing and footwear declined. In the past 2 years things had been once better, however unfortunately there are global economic tsunami. International predicts that in future years Japans economy will remain in its downturn. Secondly the competition between firms in Japan is ardent. As mentioned above, Japans market is a paradise for old and new fashion brands. It attracts many international brands for examples the high brands like Marc Jacobs, Gucci, Hermes and also bringing like Zara, Gap that operates stores in modes that similar to HM. The competition between brands is keen. Also the local brands in Japan like Uniqlo abstract high market shares. For the entering of new brand, its important that one can stand for the harsh competiti ons. In additions, the aging problem is another concern for the market. As fashion is always viewed as the interest of younger people, the aging problems directly affect the sales of fashion firms. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Company HM Zara Gap Uniqlo Start from Sweden, 1947 Spain, 1975 America,1969 Japan,1984 employees 68,000 150,000 Target market few middlemen buying in large numbers having in depth knowledge and understanding of textiles few middlemen buying in large numbers having in depth knowledge and understanding of textiles few middlemen buying in large numbers having in depth knowledge and understanding of textiles few middlemen buying in large numbers having in depth knowledge and understanding of textiles price Low middle low low Growth strategy Fashion and quality at the best price with own design increase the number of stores zero advertisement Increase the number of stores Design a new style every two week A lot of brand inside Low advertisement Fashion and quality at the best price with own design Cooperate with design and other brand Sponsor some ball game team Total stores 1,600 3,100 3,139 800 The number of Japan stores 4 30 130 750 (99in Tokyo) Start in Japan 9.2008 1998 1995 1984 Stores size 1,000 square meters 1,500 square meters 1,000 square meters Figure 1 Refer to Figure 1, analysis is below. As we know, HM is a huge brand in the world. It started at 1947 in Sweden. It has 1,600 stores in 32 countries HMs major competitors are Zara, Uniqlo, and GAP in Japan. They are the entire well-known brand in the world. Although HMs history is longer than them, it not mean HM is much better than them. Zara and Gap have more stores than HM, but their target market is very similar., They also target for a few middlemen, people who can buy in large numbers and having in depth knowledge and understanding of textiles, so that HM have a big challenge. Their price range also between middle to low, it can make more people afford it. HMs missing is that fashion and quality at the best price and increase the number of stores. However, Uniqlo also have the same missing, it want to provide a good customer service at the best price and own design. Moreover, Zara can design a new thing every two weeks. It can design 10,000 produce every year, it much fast than HM. Their stores also increase very fast. HM only have 4 shops in japan, but Zara, Gap and Uniqlo have much more stores in japan, especially Uniqlo. Moreover, they have a long history in Japan, but HM just enter Japan market in 2008. It is a big problem for HM, its competitor have more stores and stable customer. ANALYSIS ON HM EXISTING MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE HM has a clear hierarchy structure as shown in Figure 2 The Annual General Meeting (ACG) is the highest decision-making body where shareholders exercise their rights to make decisions for the company. Board of directors manages the company on behalf of the shareholders. The board gives directions and instructions to the managing director. Hence, the managing director performs daily management as directed by the board. Underneath, the executive managing team and country managers are responsible for central functions and sales countries respectively. Figure 2.1 In most cases, large organization generally has a complex structure. Here, HM has a matrix organization which is a mixed form of functional and divisional structure. Typically, matrix organization structure has two axes. On one axis of the matrix is a range of functional groups and on the other are the products or projects with a manager responsible for each. (Boddy, D., p246, 2005) In the case of HM, the project is organized by regions and each region has a number of stores. There is a manager in each country and he/she is responsible for profitability in their country and thereby has an overall responsibility for all the functions within the region. (refer to Figure 2.1) On the other hand, HM also organize and work on their tasks in project and team bases. By using these methods, managements not only organize their work more flexible with lower costs, but also giving out a faster response for their project or task. (Boddy, D., 2005) Here the executive management teams of HM responsible for each function are responsible for the results of work within their function in each country. What is more, specialists from various departments also brought together to form a project team and work on different projects. Figure 2.1 Regarding the matrix structure adopted by HM, some benefits are summarized as follows: simplifying the creation of appropriate routines and control systems, smaller units enable closer supervision, higher flexibility, faster response, enabling comparisons between the different companies within HM. However, this may lead to a significant drawback, which is low uniformity. Since there is high division of departments and regions, it is often hard for the central management to control the management and operation of different units. To enhance uniformity throughout the whole company, management documents like guidelines and manuals are delivered within the company. Moreover, the code of ethics permeated the entire company, describing the way employees should act in relation to the company and the outside world. For store operations, detailed instructions have also been given to store staffs in order to control daily work in the stores. Though guidelines and manuals are written by central departments, in 2006, inventory of the guidelines was carried out within each department so as to check any guidelines should be updated or created. This showed respect towards each units opinions. Evaluation and modification of guidelines and manuals result in better efficiency of work. To further explain HMs management structure, the degree of centralization could be examined. The code of ethics, internal policies, and manuals are created by central management. Important decisions that are strongly related to the companys profits are also made by the top management. Purchasing is centrally organized by the head office in Sweden as well. From the above, we could see high degree of centralization is exercised in HM. Nevertheless, HM has a decentralized system. There are 20 production offices dealing with 800 suppliers, and 20 country offices within 33 sales countries, handling all business affairs for the region it responsible for. Planning and organizing, such as store operation, advertising are carried out by managers. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of HMs decentralized system with centralized management. From the good side, uniformity can be enforced through clear and strict regulations and guidelines. Besides, this enables higher flexibility in tackling small problems in each department and region. On the contrary, higher risk of unsuitable merchandise for the sales countries may be resulted due to centralized buying decision in Sweden. In Japan, consumers are quite different and demanding on quality clothing which usual HM products may not satisfy them enough. To avoid such problems, more intense research and country-oriented approaches are needed. It is suggested that research or buying teams located in the respective sales regions could be set up to perform closer watch on trends and social affairs that could alter sales greatly and too quick before response come from the head office. ANALYSIS ON HM EXISTING RETAIL STRATEGIES HM is a very successful and expansive Swedish fashion group and also a famous company in Japan. HMs retail strategy has been developing in different aspects. The Best Price Strategy HM aims to give the customer unbeatable value by offering fashion and quality at the best price. It has been developing the Best Price Strategy. It maintains the best price by limiting the number of middlemen, buying in large volumes ,relying on our in-depth, extensive expertise within the design, fashion, and textile industries, buying the right merchandise from the right production markets, being cost-conscious at all levels and having efficient distribution systems. In Japan, the product price of HM is lower than others. Most foreign brands come to Japan and charge more than at home. HM is aiming to match global pricing. So now HM is one-half the price of Zara in Japan, thereby making most other Japanese retailers look relatively expensive. If Japanese consumer spending continues to decline, this will play into an even stronger position for HM. Main Collection Sub-Collection The buying function focuses on customers, fashion and composition of the range. HMs clothing collections are created in Sweden by around 100 internal designers, 50 pattern designers and around 100 buyers. It operates with two main collections per year, one in spring and one in autumn. Within each season, however, there are a number of sub-collections so that customers can always find new goods in stores. The aim of the company is to find the optimal time to order each item. Fashion For Everyone HM offers a wide range of fashion using many different concept, from updated classics and basics to clothes that reflect the very latest international trends. In addition, they sell clothes, accessories and cosmetics. The wearing range consists of everyday clothes to partywear. To make things clearer for the customers, it has divided up a range into a number of different concepts for women, men, teenagers and children. The clothes also have a high fashion content within each collection, so that customers can easily combine different garments and find their own personal style. Online Shopping Service HM have three sales channels, stores, the Internet and catalogues. In 1998, HM began its shopping online service which has since been continuously improved. A considerable expansion of mail order and online sales is being prepared to complement the stores in the existing markets. Stores continue, however, to be the main distribution channel. The strategy behind the owning of it is that HM can maintain control of the expansion strategy and of business locations. But Japan does not provide online shopping service, the sales channel is narrow. The Best Location Strategy The Best business location has been a firm principle of HM since 1947 and is less important nowadays. The HM store is now a well-established presence in most prominent shopping streets with considerable customer flows around Europe. In London, for example, they are located on Oxford Street. HM opened the store in Japan in Ginza, Shibuya and Harajuku. Before establishing stores in a new market they conduct a thorough analysis of demographics and purchasing behaviour. They also carry out a local survey of the shopping areas and shopping centres, document their size and where their competitors stores are located. Product Quality Control In order to maintain the fine quality of merchandise, they carry out quality controls. They strive to ensure that garments have been manufactured with the least possible impact on the environment and under satisfactory working conditions. HM is known as the king of fast fashion and spots emerging fashion trends, quickly creates knock-off designs and variation using 100 in-house designers. In Japan, the customers are nit-picking and require an extremely high quality fashion. HM may not satisfy their needs. OVERALL SWOT ANALYSIS OF HM The SWOT analysis is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a company. A SWOT analysis actually has two parts and both are equally significant. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal analysis; the opportunities and threats focus on the external environment. Internal is regarding the information about companys market segments, their competitors relative weaknesses and strengths as well as the industry as a whole. When conducting an external situational analysis, the business customers, market and competitors are analysed. The overall SWOT analysis included the global situation and Japan environment of HM. Firstly, strengths and weakness of HM is discussed as below. Strengths HM was established in Sweden in 1947; it has a long history and is around 62 years. The past 62 years, HM did a great expansion worldwide. In 2009, there are 1,700 stores spread over 33 different countries and markets, and employ over 73,000 people. HM offer each country exclusive preferences and needs. Also there is exclusive clothing designs for online stores, and this system is provided in some of the European countries, such as Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Informational website is also one of the strengths of HM, everything about HM shown in the official website. It is convenient for customers to get the newest issues of HM, and also provides useful and updated information to all types of users. HM Magazine provides a good idea of how HM views fashion. It offers readers a mix of fashion, inspiration and the latest lifestyle trends. It is issued four times a year and is aimed equally at customers and staff. Like all HMs communication, the mag azine can be seen as an invitation to HM. It is important for building the brand in the long term and is also available on the HM website. Besides of the exclusive online shopping, HM also collaborated with fashion designers, designer labels, fashion models and celebrities to offer customers the exclusive collection, such as Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney, Viktor Rolf, Kate Moss and Madonna. On 20 September 2005, HM announced they have dropped Moss for the advertising campaign of their autumn clothing collection, stating that her image was inconsistent with HMs clear dissociation of drugs in light of recent drug allegations. HM did concerned about the society. In November 2008, Comme Des Garà §ons, a significant figure in modern fashion Japanese designer, exclusive collection for HM sold in 200 stores worldwide, including Japan, Hong Kong, US and UK. One of the most significant figures in modern fashion, Kawakubo has created a full mens and womens collection for HM, complete with accessories and a unisex fragrance. HM provides variety in fashion, different kinds of clothing and accessories that could easy for customers to match up with. The stores are refreshed daily with new fashion items. As with HMs clothing heritage, the idea across the Home collection is that consumers mix and match items and add to their existing dà ©cor and colour schemes. The first home collection will be available from February 2009 in the markets: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. Cushion cover and bed linen sets are the key pieces. The materials are mostly cottons, linens, viscose-cotton mixes and organic cotton. The long-term investment in organic cotton is continuing at HM, aims to increase the use of organic cotton and the development of new green materials such as recycled cotton, wool and polyester. HM offering garments that are both fashionable and environmentally compatible. HM had a fantastic response to their eco-fashion, which shows that the customers care about both the environment and design. Weaknesses HM business concept is to give the customer unbeatable value by offering fashion and quality at the best price. When comparing with competitors, the garment quality of HM is doesnt at high level. Since all stock is displayed on floor, there is no backup stock for customers. The customer service is relatively low if the customer could not get any help from the salesperson. For the garment production, HM does not own any factories, but instead buys its goods from around 800 independent suppliers, primarily in Asia and Europe. The problem is that HM cannot get tightly controlled to the distribution network to get new product to the stores. The online shopping store is only provides in European countries, such as Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. The online store could not gain worldwide customers attention. In Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria HM offers fashion by Internet and catalogue sales. For the employees, ther e is not a fundamental respect for the individual, which applies to everything from fair pay, reasonable working hours and freedom of association to the opportunity to grow and develop within the company. Opportunities It is the positive towards future expansion of HM and the companys business opportunities. In the past few years HM has been experimenting with new fascias including market company, which it debuted on Londons Regent Street in March 2007. A second company store will open this week in Westfield and the retailer believes there are further opportunities for the offer in the UK. The 14th store in Europe will open next spring in Paris. Since HM has signed a contract for its first store in Japan in end of 2006. The store is opened in 2008 November. It has been HMs dream to open in Japan. says Rolf Eriksen, CEO HM. There will be more stores in Japan in the future. HM has entered into franchise agreement with Match Retail Ltd. for store openings in Israel. The first HM store is planned to open during 2010. HM provides online shopping in a few European countries, but still hasnt announced plans to do so in Asia, North America and Middle East. It is a large market for HM. There is an opportunity to set up online store in those countries. The designer cooperation is the most significant for HM. The crossover series with the famous designer have made a stir in fashion industry. Many designers are willing to cooperate with HM, see it as a stage for showing their new design. It brings the new concept to the HM product and enhances their product competitive. HM crossover with Matthew Williamson do a spring collection for 2009. As the Japanese has a strong interest in fashion and Japan is a big fashion market. Japan fashion market is maturing, with competition between global companies intensifying in the Japanese market and with consumers becoming more and more selective about merchandise that they purchased. There is growing presence of shopping centers and fashion malls in and around cities giving consumers increasing choices of locations for shopping. This is causing change in the structure of the Japanese fashion market as well as consumers buying patterns. Threats There will be a keen competition between the similar style competitors, such as Zara, Gap Inc., and Uniqlo in Japan. And, the changes in consumer behaviors are also the threat of fast fashion. End of fast fashion as shoppers allegedly switches to less throwaway items. Weak holiday sales, economic downpour sales will be conducted in HM stores. There also will be frantic battles over products, the poor quality compete with the luxury goods; fast fashion compete with high fashion. Exchange rate fluctuations are strongly related to the export quantities of firms. Since there are a lot of stores all over the world, the rate changes is a big issue of the company. Internationally, HM has experienced some sales declines in recent months and sales across the business were two per cent down year on year at established stores in September. However, refuses to admit any serious threat to HMs success, stressing again its solid offer. It is not about value, but value for money and HM think they are unique when it comes to combining price, quality and fashion. It is the feedback that HM get from customer and it is their success factor. 3 RECOMMENDATIONS In order to raise the competitiveness of HM in Japanese fashion market, some retail strategies are recommended. We provide some suggestions based on 4Ps. Place For place aspect, it is suggested that HM should offer various distribute channels for increase the sale and enhance its competitiveness. First, providing On-line-shop is a good way to sell HM products. According to Mark Hogan , GM Group vice president said, Japan is the Internet giant of Asia. There are 47.08 million Internet users. 62 percent of them use e-commerce. It can prove that online shopping is a popular shopping method in Japan. Besides, there are no limitations of online shops locations. It means that even there is only 1 HM shop in Tokyo, people who live outside Tokyo can still buy its products though the online shop. Thus, On-line-shop can help HM broaden its demographic market to boosting its sales. Second, providing Automatic Vending Machine (AVM) can help HM to be successful. Japanese demand for automation. According to the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association report , there are 5.51 million machines in Japan in 2007, Japanese spend nearly 7 trillion yen (around US$ 58 billion) a year by shopping though AVM. It is a popular buying behavior in Japan. Third, it is suggested that HM should allocate AVM at Railway stations. According to a survey about Japanese Commuting conducted by , train (JR) is the most commonly used of transportation for commuting in Japan. 53% of students and 48% of company workers indicated to commute to school/work by train or subway. Students and workers is the main target of HM. Thus, the suggestion is a fabulous idea for HM undoubtedly. Product For product aspect, release family-set outfit is a potential product for increase the sales. Most Japanese love wearing family-set outfit. Providing family-set outfit can attract those family targets. Besides, family-set outfit is complementary merchandise product. It means that if parents select and decide to buy an outfit, they should but another one to their child. The sale can increase doubly. Second, HM should improve its quality of products in order to succeed in Japan. The cloth of HM is not top notch quality. Japanese are known notoriously for rejecting products for minute reasons such as poor stitching, loose button, and inferior fabrics and the like. Moreover, manufacturing standards are so uniformly high in Japan that a business modal cannot succeed on design and bargain pricing alone. However, Uniqlo, one of the HM competitors, provide high quality products with a reasonable price. If HM thirst for success in Japan, it is important for it to improve the quality of its products. Promotion For promotion aspect, effective promotion is needed. Promotion can introduce merchandizes to customers and also attract them to come to the shop.There are so many ways to promote the merchandizes. Choosing suitable ways are very important because it affect the effectiveness of the promotion. First, mobile phone is a good media for promotion. Nowadays, nearly everyone have one mobile phone. Through mobile phone, messages can be easily and successfully transfer to many different people. SMS (Short Message Service) is one common method. In Japan, lots of people like to use SMS to communicate with each other, especially for the youngsters. Recently, Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology surveyed over 10 thousand students. In 5 secondary school students, there is one sending at least 50 messages by mobile phone every day. 7% of them even said that they sent about 100 messages every day. This shows that most of the teenagers like using SMS. Therefore, SMS is really a good method to send messages in order to promote products. Another common method for promotion is using matrix code (2D barcode). 2D barcode is a two-dimensional way of representing information. It is similar to a linear (one-dimensional) barcode, but has more data representation capability. 2D barcodes are in patterns of squares, dots, hexagons and other geometric patterns. QR Code becomes the most popular type of 2D barcodes in Japan recently. The QR is derived from Quick Response. QR Codes are commonly found in the Internet and magazines. Most current Japanese mobile phones can read this code with their camera of the mobile phone conveniently. QR Code can encode Japanese Kanji and Kana characters, music, images, URLs, emails. Through this kind of barcode, information can be easily stored and attract people to get it. The QR Code Price Apart From using mobile phone, some programs can be launched in order to promote the merchandizes. Price deal is an example. Price deal is a temporary reduction in the price in a short period of time. It is very effective because low price can attract customer to go into the shop and pay more. Price deal is suitable for short period promotion. Another good example is loyal reward program. Consumers can collect points, miles, or credits for purchases and redeem them for rewards. In order to get the rewards, customers would like to come more frequently and buy more products. This program can last for longer period, usually a month. Launching different kinds of programs can increase sales effectively. Not only promotion, a good pricing is also very important to strengthen HM in Japanese fashion market. Low price should be maintained. HM have already set low price for the goods. Most of the products are affordable. This can attract customers, especially youngsters who cannot afford high price. The products are already at a best price and it is also one of the competitive advantages. Therefore, low price should be maintained. Another suggestion for pricing is that there should be a price cut for the last seasons fashion. Last seasons product have less attractiveness than the new products. In order to sell them more
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Technology and Modern World
Technology is currently taking over our modern world. Just a few years ago flying cars was something we only saw in a futuristic universe on a movie screen, but now, technology like this seems to be right around the corner for society. We are constantly advancing our technology to cater to our wants and needs. We are gaining more and more knowledge as we advance and move forward with technology. Even children are becoming smarter from this technology, but would anyone ever guess this could be because of video games? Studies show that video games could improve a person's intelligence and possibly lead to the solving of some of the world's problems. Of course, the world's problems today are extremely drastic and complex in today's society, but what if gaming could change all that? According to Jane McGonigal, a game developer, it is far less improbable than it may seem. She believes that gamers can use their creativity and ideas to change and possibly save the planet. McGonigal's work was deemed as one of the â€Å"Top 20 Breakthrough Ideas†by HBR as well as â€Å"#1 Bright Idea of the Year†by Brandweek. She has worked hard on discovering ways in which to prove this topics importance. At the World Innovation Forum in 2012 she spoke of her innovative idea, she stated that there are one billion people that play games for at least an hour a day and gave valid statistics of the popularity of certain games. This shows the large amount of people with very creative capabilities in the world today, including young children. Gamers are proven to be capable of solving real world problems easier than those who neglect the hobby. Overall, gaming is deemed important and several studies show that gamers could lead to solving the world's problems with their ideas and inventions in the future. The Book â€Å"Can Digital Games Help Seniors Improve their Quality of Life?†by Sauvà © L., Renaud L., Kaufman D. and Duplà a E. provides information how not only children, but it is proven that already full-grown adults can learn and play digital games that could possibly influence both their health condition and their ability to carry on activities in their environment. The study that was provided with this idea consists of a goal to explore and define the user requirements for developing digital games of learning among older Europeans. This focused mainly on types of learning games, motivational and social aspects, and the preferences and views people may have on game controllers. An experiment was performed in the initial stage which included a qualitive focus group study of people in the countries of Spain, The Netherlands, and Greece. In this group games existing in the market and others that were developed and created as other European Commission projects were also included and presented to them. Both games were presented on video presentations and there was a possibility that some of these games were also provided to be able to be tested out as well. From this experiment, it was found that the causes or main keys to adults desiring to play these digital games was challenge, fun, escape from daily routine, socialization and the providing of learning opportunities. These learning opportunities and attractive qualities to these games could lead to better creative thinking and the more they are played due to their addictive qualities, the better thinkers these gamers become. These game users describe themselves with characteristics such as active and participating in many leisure activities. This level of activity the subjects describe appeared to be related with the contents which are proposed for videogames such as physical activity, culture, arts, history, geography, traveling, human sciences, daily life skills, etc. This knowledge and information gathered and interpreted from focus groups can and will be used as input for the design of a learning game that will be largely compatible with the needs and abilities of a wide range of the older Europeans. The New York Times wrote an article on the statements and questions of experts who have played the videogames that Americans have spent ten thousand hours playing by the age of twenty-one. Edward Castronova, a professor of telecommunications at Indiana University, provides information that, â€Å"Gamers are engaged, focused and happy. How many employers wish they could say that about even a tenth of their work force?†Castronova has also studied and designed games online and goes on to state that there are similarities between the activities in games and the activities done at the work place. He states, â€Å"Many activities in games are not very different from work activities. Look at information on a screen, discern immediate objectives, choose what to click and drag.†A well-known and credited game designer and researcher at the Institute for the Future, Jane McGonigal, sums up this new arisen argument in her book, â€Å"Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.†Her book basically provides the encouragement as well as the persuasion for designers to aim higher with games that could solve scientific problems and possibly promote happiness in daily life.In the way distant past even, the emperor Charlemagne called a scholar who then gathered puzzles and games to challenge the young minds of the century at the time. Even the British during the less distant past credited their victory over Napoleon to the intelligence games played on the fields of Eton. When the time eventually came to the age in which intellectual games went digital the activity was denounced as â€Å"escapism†and an â€Å"addiction.†This was due to the fact that industry's revenues rivaled Hollywood's at the time. This time was also when children and adults gradually started to become more and more absorbed in these games and soon they even forsook television. This caused for gaming's unhealthy and troublesome reputation that has carried on over through the years, even up to present day. But meanwhile, at this time a group of researchers seemed to be more interested and occupied in understanding why players had become this focused and absorbed into the games they played in the first place. Gamers seemed to be achieving a certain state of â€Å"flow†that psychologists had used to describe championship athletes as well as master musicians. Except with gamers, this flow did not take years of training to accomplish. Nicole Lazzaro, game-design consultant and president of XEODesign, conducted an experiment or study in which she recorded the faces of those who were playing video games to take note of their facial expressions. She also planned to interview the gamer as well as their family and friends to find the important and crucial factors provided within a good game. â€Å"Hard fun†was a factor that was said to be important to be included in an entertaining game. â€Å"Hard fun†is described by Ms. Lazzaro as conquering and surpassing obstacles to reach an end goal. Even games and puzzles of older design had this attractive factor to them that gamers enjoyed. But the difference is that with video games, they now provide instant feedback and continual encouragement from the technology used, as well as fellow gamers. Most games provide video gamers with rewards using a steady and constant system throughout the entirety of the experience. As they progress in gaining more points and reaching higher levels, the challenges faced increase in difficulty as the players experience with the game as well as their skill with it increases. This causes for motivation and determination to defeat and progress the game despite the repetitive failing included in the experience. Dr. McGonigal has worked constantly on using this feeling and vibe from games for good in the real world. She has designed Cruel 2 B Kind. This is a game in which players advance by being nice and showing kindness to strangers located in public places. It has been played in more than 50 cities on four continents and has only had a positive impact overall. There are also other games and websites like Cruel 2 B Kind that improve peoples mood as well as actions and interactions with others. There is a massive number of positives to video gaming as well as this type of interaction that occurs between people. As we improve our technology further we are also improving the quality of video games and their positive influences and impacts on not only children, but adults as well. Hopefully as we continue to progress, the purposes of video games will contain more importance as well as unique and critical lessons and knowledge for all. But for now, video games are positively and greatly affecting our world and will hopefully continue doing so for generations to come.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Beloved & novel
This novel is set just after the Civil War; therefore slavery is still on the minds of all the characters. Toni Morrison mad one of the main characters of Beloved a ghost because she wanted the characters to remember where they came from and this very evident from the start of the novel. The house was haunted by all of Denver and Sethe’s dead relativities. The house which is called â€Å"sweet house†isn’t very sweet. In fact, Paul D says, â€Å"If the house was so sweet, people would have stayed†(Morrison 13).Even though the characters have moved on, memories come back to us no matter what else happens in over lives. Sethe and Denver keep seeing and talking to ghosts because the ghosts are the entire have in their lives. The ghosts equal all the memories of slavery that Sethe has. Morrison also uses ghosts in Beloved to equate slavery with a type of death . This death is the end of a part of a life and start of another part of a life.However, the memorie s of slavery were still so strong after the Civil War that the images of slavery were hard to escape. The color of death was always in Sethe’s dreams; baby blood, pink gravestones and nothing more (Morrison 39). In addition, when Beloved came into Sethe’s, Denver’s and Paul D’s lives she hovered over Sethe like a ghost who wished to haunt her (Morrison 51). Beloved like all of the other ghosts represents the past.Beloved doesn’t like when Sethe concentrates on anything or anyone but her (Morrison 100). In other words, Beloved wants Sethe to focus on all the bad memories of slavery. The supernatural events in the book contrast with what the reader expects in the ‘real world’ because it is possible that the reader would expect that if Sethe and Denver were actual people living in society they would wish to leave the house that is filled with a ghost that seems to be tied to the memories of slavery.In addition, they both would want to go outside more and enjoy what life has to offer them. Moreover, in the ‘real world’ Sethe and Denver would probably attempt to both contact the ghosts through a medium or a ghost whisperer and ask why they are haunting the house and why these ghosts aren’t letting them go on with their lives. In addition, Sethe and Denver might even attempt to perform an exorcism hoping to get rid of the ghost or ghosts in their home so they can get on with their lives.Moreover, in the ‘real world Sethe would see marring Paul D and possibly having a baby with him as a great way to start a new life after the horrible life she had because of slavery and Denver would be happy because she would have the father that she never had. Furthermore, Paul D might intervene in this situation by demanding that Sethe and Denver get some professional help because they both play and with and talk to ghosts that live in the house instead of interacting with a real human being who loves both of them.However, in the book both Sethe and Denver, especially Sethe are bewitched by Beloved and don’t wish to go on with their lives. Paul D wishes to have a baby and a life with Sethe and Denver but Sethe is too scared to do that (Morrison 131-32). Also, Sethe thanks Beloved for showing her that what is in the house is all that Denver and she needs and she doesn’t need the world, which includes Paul D outside the house in the ‘real world’ (Morrison 185). Morrison seems to be saying that sometimes human beings make their own reality.In other words, human beings create the reality that they need to survive even if that reality is false. In this book, fantasy is reality. Even when all three of them go outside to ice skate Beloved is still there and not Paul D (Morrison 174). Sethe and Denver ice skating with Beloved, who is a ghost isn’t al all realistic. In one way, it seems like Sethe and Denver are attempting to get away from the ghost because they go outside and ice skate and they are happy, but, at the same time it also seems like both Sethe and Denver are trying to hold on to a bit of the past along with the present while ignoring the future.Sethe is bewitched by a ghost because she sees herself as Beloved and vice-versa (Morrison 216) Sethe seems to be losing herself. She is losing her own identity. I think that Morrison makes the contrast between the world of the supernatural and the ‘real world’ to remind the reader that sometimes human beings can get so haunted by past memories, ghosts if you will, that the past bleeds into the present and into the future. In fact, human beings can get so absorbed in memories that they forget the present.This is very apparent when Sethe lost her job because of Beloved and Denver gets pushed out of Sethe’s life little by little the more Beloved stays there (Morrison 240). The contrast between the two worlds is also done to show that human beings can come out of their haunted world with a bit of help from your friends. The community broke Sethe out of the ghostly trance that Beloved had on her (Morrison 260). Morrison seems to be suggesting that the strength of the many will help the will of one. In addition, Paul D. tries to help Sethe by bathing her (Morrison 260).In addition, he says to Sethe that they need some tomorrows because they have seen more yesterdays than anybody (Morrison 273). I also think that the multi-colored quilt that Paul D imagines on the bed represents the bright future that he wants to have with Sethe and Denver. However, at the end of the novel when Beloved is talked about (Morrison 275), that Morrison is illustrating that the memories or ghosts of a human’s past may never go away completely. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1987.
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